Everything Is Okay

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Kawaii~Chan opened her eyes after pretending to sleep to see what Zane would do. Silently fangirling, Kawaii~Chan noticed that Zane was ACTUALLY asleep. She got up carefully, laying his head on a pillow. Caleb was just about finished with his baby food. Kawaii~Chan placed him in his crib as he fell asleep. "Heh, I hope Zane~Kun finds his courage soon, because Kawaii~Chan would never have the courage to ask Zane~Kun! Though, she does think he looks so adorable with his mask on... and off..." The meifwa said to herself.

~time skip to 3 days later Laurence got surgery the day before and Cadenza gets to see him for the first time since his surgery~

Laurence sat in his bed, excitedly waiting for Cadenza's visit. He heard someone say, "He's in this room right over here." He smiled from ear to ear, as Cadenza walked in. She jumped on him, and hugged him hard. "I'm so happy that you're okay!" She said to him. "I'm so glad to be conscious again, haha!" Laurence joked. "You and me both! Hehe, so where's everyone else?" Cadenza asked Laurence out of curiosity. "Well, Garroth and Aphmau get a visit later today, and I think Dante, Zane, and Travis each get separate visits tomorrow..." Laurence responded. They talked for a very long time, both of them very happy to have some sibling time again like old times. They laughed a lot, until it came time for Cadenza to leave.

"Goodbye, Laurence! I love you, and I'm so thankful that you are okay!" Cadenza said, hugging him, and leaving the room. Laurence lay back, enjoying some music he was listening through his ear buds. Can't wait to see Garroth and Aphmau! Gosh, and I heard about Garroth's breakdown when I was in the disaster! Does he actually... like me? Oh, shut it, Laurence! In what world would that ever be a thing? Heh...

HEY PEEPS! Wazzup. Hope you are enjoying ZANE~CHAN *ahem* nothing... I said nothing... uh... BYE!

- Piggy

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