Tragedy Strikes Quickly

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Laurence woke up to the sound of sirens whirring, and instantly was in very bad pain. "Agh.. what h-happened..." He tried to say something, and opened his eyes. All he saw was a lot of debris and dust all crushing him. He began to cry out in pain, yelling for help. "Somebody... help... I'm getting a little dizz..." Laurence said as he blacked out.

Garroth and Zane drove back to the house, and once they got to it, their mouths dropped to the floor when they saw the house completely destroyed, with only many piles of walls and furniture left. Garroth realized something, then ran to the house faster than Zane could say Laurence. "LAURENCE IS IN THERE!!! OH GOD NO!!" Garroth screamed, but he was held away from the house by some policemen. "Stand back sir. Our search dogs are searching for any survivors in this house." One of the police officers said to the hysterical man. "THERE IS SOMEONE IN THERE AND YOU NEED TO GET HIM OUT RIGHT NOW!!! Oh god, he's gonna die!!!" Garroth yelled.

Aphmau ran to Garroth and pulled him back, and she was crying as well. "*sniff* Come on, Garroth. We have to trust these men, why don't you go sit down?" She said, attempting to calm poor Garroth. He went and sat with friends, praying for Laurence.

Yep. That was quick action. Yep. That went so fast. LOL anyways enjoy life, I LOVE YALL!, support, blahdee blahdee blah... BAI!

- Piggy

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