Finding Death, Finding Life

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"CADENZA?!" Zane yelled. "HOW THE HECK ARE YOU ALIVE?" "I don't know, but please help me. Where's Laurence?" "I have no idea where he is. I don't know where ANYONE is, in fact!"

Zane noticed that she looked beaten up, and tortured.
"W-what happened to you? Why do you look so beaten up?" "I can't tell anyone until Laurence knows that I'm back, he needs some good news for once."

"Let's find him, then..." Zane said to her, pulling her on his boat. They searched for what only seemed hours, but turned out as days.


Laurence kept Mickey close, warming her up and keeping her safe from any harm. "Laurence, I don't think we're going to find anyone. It's too dark and I don't hear anything, and we've been searching for hours. Please, may I take I break and you try?" Garroth asked. Laurence agreed as long as Garroth kept Mickey as safe as possible.


All these things we've been through. Everything we wanted. Everyone we needed. A person's life is much more important than anything else. You shouldn't kill. The people might have family, friends, who love him. But losing everything is different.

Judging anything is what is wrong, what is a huge problem. It is as if no one has feelings, no one will feel emotion if they are judged or insulted. It is as if no one is worth it. No one is important.

But I think different. I have lost people I love, and haven't been able to get them back.

Friends have forgotten about me. Family has passed and gone to a better place, leaving me. But you shouldn't let all of that get to you. That's just how the world works.

Society doesn't understand. It doesn't know how it makes people feel sometimes.

Don't let it get to your head.

Live on, don't give up.

- 🐷

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