Goodbye, My Love...

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Laurence was still in the hospital. Everyone else, though, were trying to stay positive and uplifting.


When Aphmau found out about the engagement of Zane~Chan, SHE. WAS. SO. EXCITED. She ended up telling just about EVERYONE, because how in the heck would Aph be able to keep something like that to herself? 😂... ANYWAYS


As soon as the newly engaged couple came back home, everyone congratulated them.

Everyone celebrated with the two lovers, all except Garroth. Garroth stayed in the hospital, with Laurence. Waiting. Waiting for Laurence to wake up and be alright.

Why didn't I help him... I could've saved him... I did it again, I wasn't here for him. Now he's gonna leave without saying goodbye.

Garroth cried constantly when in the waiting room.

A doctor finally came out and walked up to Garroth. Garroth instantly stood up and looked at doctor sternly. "D-doctor?" "Mr. Ro'Maeve... I'm afraid..." "No... he can't..."

"I'm afraid Laurence Zvahl has passed away."

Garroth looked up in shock. "N-no... h-how?" "He was injected with some kind of black magic potion, it made his body wither away. I'm sorry, we did everything we could." Garroth fell back on the chair with his hands over his face. He just cried, he didn't get mad. He didn't say anything else to the doctor.

He just... cried...


Aphmau had just got home from a little mini-party for the engaged couple, when her phone rang.

Aph: Hey Garroth! You okay?
Gar: *crying softly* Aphmau... Laurence... he...
Aph: Oh my god, don't tell me...
Gar: He passed away... I can't... the doctors said...
Aph: N-no, Laurence... why... what did the doctors say?
Gar: They said he was injected with a potion that rotted his poor, helpless little body away...
Aph: Oh, Garroth, I'm so sorry... at least he's withCadenza now...
Gar: Can you get everyone to meet at the front of the hospital?
Aph: Yes, right away.

Garroth hung up. Aphmau put the phone down and sat in shock and silence. A single tear rolled down her cheek, before she got up and quickly got everyone to assemble ASAP.




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