Settling In

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"Alex wake up, be ready in 10!" My mother called.

I sighed and sat up. I rummaged through my boxes of clothes before finding something to wear. I threw on my black joggers, blue Aeropostale sweatshirt, and stepped into my black Jordan's. Topping it all off with a blue NYC snap back.

I brushed my teeth and combed my hair before jogging downstairs.

"Well that was quick. Usually takes you like a year to get out of bed." My dad joked.

I stuck my tongue out at him as I grabbed a bottle of water.

"So where are you guys going again?" My dad asked.

"To the grocery store and IKEA." My mom told him.

He nodded," well I will finish painting and unpacking stuff."

She nodded and Alison and Austin came downstairs.

"Okay, we're leaving, love you." My mom said kissing my dad.

"Love you too." He said as we left out.

We went to IKEA first. We went up to the second floor and started picking out stuff for our rooms. Pictures, bed sets, lamps, posters, etc.

It took about 2 hours and by the time we were done we had a truck full of stuff. And all the furniture would be delivered by tomorrow afternoon.

We drove to the grocery store and got out. My mom grabbed a cart and we followed her as we walked through the store.

"Okay this'll get done faster if we split up," my mom said." Alex you go get breakfast foods, Alison toiletries, Austin cleaning supplies." She said handing us each a sheet of paper with the things we needed on it.

We nodded, grabbed carts, and went our separate ways. I walked towards the dry foods area and looked for the cereal and oatmeal which just so happened to be down the same isle.

I grabbed a variety box of oatmeal before turning to the cereal. The list said three boxes so I grabbed Frosted Flakes, Lucky Charms, and Cookie Crisps.

I then headed to grab bread and jelly. I was about halfway through the list. I was strolling towards my next destination when out of nowhere a random buggy came wheeling in front of me.

I frowned and looked down the isle it had come from and saw a girl smiling apologetically.

"You better catch your cart." I said jokingly.

She chuckled," sorry my friend pushed it down the isle." She said pointing behind her.

I raised an eyebrow at her," um," I said pointing behind her where no one stood.

She turned around and groaned throwing her hands in the air before looking back at me.

"I'm not crazy I assure you, my friends are." She said.

I chuckled," no need to explain, I get it." I said.

"Right." She said and before it got awkward I walked away.

I had finished getting the stuff on the list and started wandering around the store.

"Alex!" I turned and saw Austin walking up to me, pushing a cart of stuff.

I frowned looking at the basket,"Austin, what the hell is all this?" I asked.

He not only had cleaning supplies but he had pet supplies, like what?

"Austin we don't have a dog." I said picking up the leash and dog food.

He nodded excitedly," yeah yeah I know but then I thought, what if mom and dad saw all this and got us a dog." He said.

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now