Happy Birthday Jess

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My phone rang, waking me up from my sleep. I looked at the clock that read 11:30. Groaning I grabbed my phone and answered.


"Wake up buddy," Drew said into the phone," You need to go pick up the cake, bring it by my place, help us set up, then go stall Jess."

I sighed," I'm having dinner with her family at 7, so I'll have her there no later than 10."

"Alright cool. See ya later." He said before hanging up.

I got up and stretched before getting in the shower. I went through my closet looking for something to wear.

I pulled out my black slacks, a burgundy dress shirt, black blazer, and black dress shoes and put it in a bag for later. I threw on my jeans, blue Nike shirt, and Jordan's. I looked through my SnapBack collection and pulled out my black diamond SnapBack.

I grabbed my phone, Jess' gift, and my wallet. I went downstairs to the kitchen where my mom and dad were.

"Don't you have a birthday dinner and party to go to tonight?" My mom asked.

I nodded," clothes in here." I said holding up my bag.

Austin came downstairs wearing black jeans, Jordan's, and a red t-shirt. Ali followed wearing jean shorts, a burgundy shirt that criss crosses at the top, and black heels.

"Lookin good...Ali." I said chuckling.

Austin glared at me before going to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

"Roxy's here to get us." Ali said putting her phone back in her clutch.

"Yeah I've got to go get the cake." I said grabbing the keys.

"Oh sweetie wait," my mom said before rushing into the living room, she came back with a present and a card," give this to Jessica, from me and your dad."

I nodded and kissed her cheek," see you later. Love you." I said before leaving.

I stopped by the bakery and picked up the cake before going to Drew's house.

"Probably not a good idea to leave your front door open." I said to Drew as I walked in.

He chuckled," it's cool, no one's coming in here."

I sat the cake in the fridge and went into the living room and started helping Ali and Roxy hang decorations.

After a while my phone started ringing. I looked at the time and cursed. I was going to take Jess to our "spot" so we could be alone for a while.

"Hey Jess." I said into the phone.

"Uh, hey." She said.

"What's up?" I asked stepping off the ladder.

"Nothing. Um just calling I guess." She said sounding a little dejected.

I chuckled," alright. See ya later." I said before hanging up.

"Alright guys, I'm out." I called before leaving.

I stopped at a flower shop and grabbed a dozen roses before heading over to Jess's house. I grabbed the flowers and my parents gift to her, walked to her door, and knocked.

It took a minute but she answered the door.

"Happy Birthday Gorgeous." I smiled widely.

She tried to stop the smile that played on her lips," I thought you forgot."

"Of course I didn't forget. How could I," I held the flowers up," these are for you," I also held up the gift bag," and this is from my parents."

She grabbed them, the smile widening," thank you." She stepped back and I walked in.

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