The Gang

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My phone rang for the fourth time today. I looked at the clock on the wall and groaned. It was 10 a.m. on a Saturday. Who's even awake right now?

I picked up my phone and answered," who are you and why are you up at this god awful hour?" I asked my voice raspy from just having woke up.

"Oh, you sound sexy." I heard Katrina's voice.

I sighed," Katrina." I said simply.

"Call me Kat." She said.

I rolled my eyes," well Kat why are you calling me at 10 a.m. on a Saturday?" I asked.

"Because I'm going to the mall with my friends and I want you to come." She said sounding like a little kid.

I groaned," seriously." I said.

"Yep," she said popping the 'p'," now get up and get ready. I can come get you if you'd like."

"Yeah sure. I'll text you my address." I said.

"Cool be there soon sleepy head." She said before hanging up.

I jumped up and took a shower. I threw on my grey New York hoodie, black joggers, and grey nikes.

I slipped my phone, wallet, and headphones in my pocket and got ready to walk out my room. I back tracked and put my grey Nike SnapBack on backwards.

If you hadn't noticed I have an obsession with snap backs. I love them what can I say.

I knocked on my parents door.

"What?" My dad called, sounding half asleep.

I peeked through the door," um, I hope you guys don't mind but, I told Katrina I'd go to the mall with her today." I said.

"Yeah, whatever don't be out all day." My dad said before snuggling back up with my mom.

I closed the door and went downstairs. I grabbed a Gatorade and an apple.

A horn sounded from outside. I threw my apple core away and grabbed my bottle before leaving out.

Katrina sat in a sleek all black Audi R8. The rims were silver and the top was down.

I nodded in approval," sweet ride." I said sliding into the passenger seat.

"Birthday gift." She said.


She pulled off and turned the radio up. On a Wave by Tinashe blared through her speakers. I looked at her, eyebrows raised.

"You like Tinashe?" I asked.

She shook her head."No," she paused," I love Tinashe."

I smirked," I have a feeling this is the beginning of an amazing friendship."

"Or more." She winked, before singing along to the song.

I smirked and sang along as well. About four Tinashe songs later we were pulling into the mall parking lot.

"So how many friends of yours are here exactly?" I asked.

She parked," three." She said.

I nodded and we got out walking inside. We went to the food court and approached her friends.

"Hey guys, hope you don't mind but I brought a friend of mine." Kat said getting their attention.

They all looked at me, two girls and a boy, one who I remembered from the grocery store, the guy spoke first.

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now