Evil Glares

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I groaned and got out of bed. I took a shower and looked for something to wear. I settled on a pair of black skinny jeans, a grey ACDC shirt, my black denim detailed jacket, black diamond snapback and black converse.

"Come on guys let's go." I called to Austin and Alison as I walked down the stairs.

Austin sprinted down the stairs next to me," you're just trying to see your girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" My dad asked sipping his coffee.

I smiled," yeah. Jessica." I said grabbing an apple and water.

My dad grinned," yes!" He exclaimed," I was hoping you two got together."

"What happened to Katrina?" My mom asked reaching into her purse and giving my dad a twenty.

I sighed," just didn't work out." I said grabbing my keys and leaving, I really didn't want to talk about it.

I waited in the car for Austin and Alison who came out shortly after. I drove us to school and parked in our usual spot.

"Hello gorgeous." I said stopping at Jessica's locker.

She shut it and smiled at me," hey baby." She gave me a kiss and laced her fingers through mine.

We walked down to my locker and I grabbed my books and then we walked to class. I pulled Jess' chair out for her and sat down.

"You ready for your presentation with student council?" I asked her.

She sighed," I've rehearsed it a million times and I'm still nervous."

"Hey, you'll do great, you've done this before." I said moving a piece of hair out of her face.

She smiled and kissed my hand," thanks babe." She said just as the teacher walked in.


"I'm so ready to ditch." I said as I closed my eyes and leaned against the locker.

I had just gotten out of 4th hour and sadly, Kat was in my next class.

"No ditching." Jessica slapped the side of my head.

I opened my eyes and rubbed the side of my head," fine, I won't ditch." I said as Drew walked up.

He pouted," you're not ditching with me?" He asked sadly.

Sighing I said," nah, this one over here won't let me." I said pointing my thumb in Jessica's direction.

"Awe come on Jess, let her go, please." Drew pleaded with Jessica.

Jess shook her head," neither of you are ditching." She said pointing to us.

I wrapped my arms around Jess and buried my head in the crook of her neck," please Jessie." I whispered against her skin.

"No, no, no, that isn't going to work." She said putting her hands on my sides and pushing.

I leaned up and peppered kisses all over her neck and face. She giggled and grabbed my face kissing me lightly.

"You still can't ditch." She said rubbing her nose agaisnt mine.

I smiled widely. I know it's only been a day but being with Jess made me feel happy, carefree almost.

"You guys have an audience." Drew whispered to us.

I pulled away from her and looked behind me. Courtney and her crew, including Kat, were glaring at us. Hurt flickered in Kat's eyes but was replaced by anger.

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now