Exams pt. 2

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I woke up early, went downstairs, and made breakfast. I made french toast, eggs, and bacon. I filled a few bowls with strawberries and cantaloupe and pulled out the pitcher of orange juice.

"You smell that?" I heard Jess' voice.

I smiled as I heard Cecilia speak," smells amazing."

I placed my hands on my hips proudly and smiled at them," good morning ladies." I said pulling their chairs out for them.

"Alex what is all this?" Cecilia asked.

I sat down and grabbed their hands," a thank you, to both of you. Jessica thank you for loving me, thank you for forgiving me for all the mistakes and screw ups I've made. You came into my life and made me happier than I've ever been. I'm not sure what the future holds but as long as you're in it I know it'll be bright. I love you so much."

"I love you too," she smiled.

I turned," Cecilia thank you for bringing the woman I love into this world. Thank you for welcoming me into your home, treating me like a daughter. This place has become a second home to me and it's because of you and Jess. I've never said it before but you're like a second mom to me and I love you for that Cecilia."

She wiped at the tears that had fallen before getting up and hugging me," I love you too sweetie."

I smiled as she pulled away and sat down.

We filled our plates and ate and once we were done we cleaned up before going to get dressed.

"Alex thank you for breakfast, good luck to you two on exams." Cecilia said.

"Bye mom, love you." Jess hugged and kissed her mom before leaving out.

I hugged her and said," bye CeCe."

She paused and smiled," CeCe, I like that."

I smiled and we left out. I hopped in the car and drove us to school.

"What exams do you have today?" Jess asked.

I grabbed her hand and laced her fingers with mine," gym, French, and History. You?"

"Math, gym, and history." She said as we approached our friends.

"I'm so glad Coach isn't giving us an exam." Drew said.

"Me too." I said just as the bell rang.

Drew and I went to gym while everyone else went to their classes.

In the gym there were two TVs set up in the corner, a crap load of gym equipment in another corner, and half the court was for volleyball.

"We're about to run a game who's in?" A guy standing at the back door of the gym said holding a football.

Drew and I exchanged a look before going outside.

There was a line of guys, me being the only girl. Drew and the guy, who's name was Mark, were captains.

"You get first pick." Mark said hitting Drew's arm lightly.

Drew nodded and looked down the line," Alex."

Some guy stepped up with me.

Drew shook his head," not you," he pointed to the guy," her." He pointed to me.

"But she's a girl!" He exclaimed.

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