Sex and Soccer

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"Good morning gorgeous," I said kissing Jess' cheek.

She smiled and stretched," morning."

I jumped out bed and pulled my shorts and a t-shirt on," I'm about to take a shower," I walked to the door and turned to her," care to join me?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

She blushed," no I'll get in after you."

I shrugged," suit yourself." I said before going to the bathroom and taking a shower.

"Cause I feel good ," I sang sliding into my room," I knew that I would, now, so good dun dun so good, I got you." I pointed to Jess.

She giggled and shook her head," you're in an overly good mood."

"Like I said, I got you," I said leaning towards her and placing a kiss on her lips.

She smiled," I love you," she said kissing me again.

"I love you too." I kissed her again before going to my drawer to find something to wear," hurry up, go get a shower. We have to leave in twenty." I instructed Jess.

She stood up revealing her naked body. I smiled and walked over to her, placing my hands on her hips.

"You," I kissed her neck," are," her collar bone," beautiful," I said kissing her lips.

She blushed and looked down," can I borrow your robe please?"

I chuckled and gave her my robe out the closet. She put it on and left out. I settled on khaki joggers, a blue polo, blue converse, and a Yankees SnapBack.

I went to Ali's room and knocked before going in, why knock yeah yeah I know.

"Hey Twin and Drew. Jess needs clothes." I said looking through Ali's closet.

"Give her this," Ali jumped out of bed rummaged through her dressers.

She handed me a pair of dark jeans and a turquoise sweatshirt.

"Thanks," I said walking to the door," oh we should be leaving in ten."

I went in my room and tossed the clothes on my bed before packing my stuff.

"I need clothes," Jess said looking embarrassed.

I frowned," on the bed. Um, are you okay?" I asked her.

"I ran into your mother in the hallway." She said chuckling nervously.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair," shit." I said under my breath.

Jess got dressed and we both went downstairs.

"Morning momma." I said leaning over to kiss her cheek.

She backed away," oh no. Sad to say, I know where those lips have been."

My cheeks heated up," oh my god. Mom I'm clean."

She nodded and patted my back," yeah I'd hope so. For Jessica's sake." She said chuckling.

I shook my head," I love you momma."

She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek," I love you too baby girl."

I smiled widely," see you later."

"Bye. Have a nice day you two." She said before leaving out.

Jess smiled at me," you're the baby of the family?"

I shook my head," no. Ali was born three minutes after me. But my mom's always called me baby girl. I stopped fighting it and accepted the name." I shrugged.

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now