Dirt Bikes and Pizza

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I woke up at around 10, took a shower, and called Alison into my room.

"What do you want?" She asked.

I sighed and held up the clothes in my hands," I don't know what to wear, it's my first date with Kat."

Alison rolled her eyes," move aside." She pushed me out the way and started going through my closet.

She gave me a pair of black ripped jeans, a black loose fitting tank top, my black leather jacket, and my black diamond snapback.

"So, how do I look?" I asked spinning around.

"Perfect." She smiled and gave me two thumbs up.

I called Kat and she answered.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

She groaned," not too loud." She said sleepily.

"Uh, you still up for our date?" I asked.

I heard her cuss quietly," I'm really not feeling up to it Alex." She said.

I sighed," okay, that's cool. Another time." I said trying to mask my disappointment.

"I'm real sorry Alex." She said.

"Don't sweat it," I said playing it cool," get better."

She said goodbye and hung up.

"Well, that sucks." I groaned," wasted outfit."

I changed into a pair of black cargo pants and a grey hoodie.

I flopped down on my bed just as my phone rang. I sighed and answered.

"Hello." I said, not so cheerily.

"Awe, why so glum chum?" Jessica asked.

I chuckled lightly," Kat bailed on our date." I told her.

"Awe boo, that sucks." She said.

"Who you tellin." I joked with her.

"Oh, oh, I have an idea." She said excitedly.

"And it is?"

"Dirt bikes."

"Dirt bikes?"

"Dirt bikes."

And that is how I found myself standing in an empty dirt bike arena with Jessica at my side.

"Your uncle owns this place?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded," let's get changed."

I followed her to the changing rooms and threw on the blue dirt bike gear. Once I stepped out Jessica did too. She was wearing pink dirt bike gear.

"You ready?" She asked.

I shook my head," no, I've never ridden a dirt bike before."

"I'll help you, don't worry I've done this a million." She said dragging me with her.

We went down into a tunnel, up some stairs, and through another tunnel. There was a row of dirt bikes lined up in front of a gate leading to the dirt path. The track was a simple loop around but there were small and medium sized hills sticking out of the dirt.

"Come on slow poke." Jessica said as she jumped on a bike.

I shook my shoulders and jumped up and down a few times. I walked up to the blue dirt bike and threw my leg over it.

"It's almost like riding a motorized bicycle. Kick up the stand," I did as she said," the right handle bar is the throttle and the left handle bar is the clutch," the lever on the right is the brake, and the lever on the left is the clutch lever, we won't need that one this time."

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now