Happy Birthday Dad

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I woke up early, took a shower, and got dressed. My outfit consisted of a pair of black fit jeans, a light blue button up, and a blue sweater.

"Awe, you look good." My mom said walking up to me and adjusting my collar.

I smiled," thanks momma," I leaned on the counter," you need any help?" I asked.

"You can start by setting up the snack tables, and helping Alison put up some decorations." I fake saluted at her words and walked away.

I grabbed the bowls of chips and took them out to the table before returning and doing the same with the bottles of pop.

"Lookin good Lex." Alison said stepping down from the ladder.

I smiled," you too sis." I said looking at her outfit; a white sundress with pink flowers on it and white strappy heels.

"Don't forget about me." Austin said sliding across the floor in navy blue suede derby shoes, accompanied by his black slacks, light blue button up, and navy blue suede blazer.

"Why are you dressed up like it's your birthday?" Alison asked.

I chuckled and Austin said," cause dad won't dress up and you know it."

"Think again son." Dad said.

I leaned around the corner and looked at dad as he slowly descended down the stairs. He was wearing an all burgundy suit, a black silk shirt, and all black leather dress shoes.

"Woah. Dad you look hot." Alison exclaimed.

"Momma, come look at this." I called.

She walked in the room and stopped dead in her tracks as she stared at dad.

"Mom, you've got some drool." Austin said causing me and Alison to chuckle.

She shook her head, as if to clear her thoughts, and dad walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You think I look that good, huh?" He asked.

She nodded, not saying a word and sprinted up the stairs. My dad turned to us with a frown on his face. We shrugged, not knowing what to say.

Austin, Alison, and I finished hanging decorations and setting the table. A few minutes later my mom came downstairs. She was wearing a thigh length, backless, black dress, and black heels, her hair curled.

Austin whistled and my dad walked up to her holding his hand out. She took it and walked down the last step, and stood in front of him.

"You look beautiful baby." My dad said.

"You don't look too bad yourself." She said smiling at him.

My dad dipped her and planted a kiss on her lips. I smiled at their encounter. It was cute to see their sweet little encounters like this.

"Alright, alright, that's enough." Austin said as the kiss continued.

The doorbell rang and I answered it. Jessica smiled at me as she stood at the door.

She looked cute, clad in a knee length navy blue dress, and navy blue strappy cloth wedges, her hair crinkled.

"You look nice." I said stepping aside to let her in.

She smiled at me," you too."

"Jessica, I'm glad you came." My dad said.

Jess smiled and walked up to him," Happy birthday Mr. Stratton. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to bring anything so I made lasagna," she said nervously as she held up the pan in her hands.

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