Tetralogy - A/N

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So the first thing I want to say is thank you so much❤️❤️❤️. Never in a million years did I think my books would become so popular. The amount of support and interest you guys have shown me is exactly why my books have been so successful.

This first story started with some random thought and now it's become the first book of a series you guys love. While writing these I realized how passionate I am about my writing. If I thought I was interesting enough to be an author I would be but I think I'm as successful as I can be right now on Wattpad.

The second thing is . . . it's almost over😩😭💔. I've just started posting the fourth and final book and I can't believe that I've come this far and I love you guys for being on this journey with me. Though they're fictional I've enjoyed exploring and writing about the lives of Alex, Jess, Markus, and Emerson. Might sound weird but I've grown attached to these characters and it's going to be really odd not writing about them after I finish the last book.

Thirdly: this isn't my last story. It is the last story of this tetralogy but I'm not done just yet. I have plenty of ideas and stories in my arsenal and I'm looking forward to sharing them with you guys.

Lastly: Ending how I started, thanking you guys. Like I said I couldn't have done any of this without you guys. There aren't enough words to explain my gratitude towards you guys. All my readers mean the world to me and I love you guys❤️

Anyway I'll catch you guys over in one of the other books, or all that's up to you, peace✌🏽

P.S. Also if you guys are into video games, Fortnite, Call of Duty, etc go check out my cousins YouTube channel TG_Mystic❤️! His content is pretty cool and he's an awesome guy!

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