The End

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I groaned as I rolled over and turned off my alarm.

Graduation day.

The last official day of my high school career.

I worked 12 long years for this day and yet I couldn't find it in me to get out of bed and end it all.

"Knock knock." My dad leaned in.

I sat up against the headboard," hey pops."

He sat next to me, wrapped an arm around me, and pulled me into his side," today's the big day." He said simply.

I nodded," yep. Today's the day."

"You nervous?"

"Nah," I shook my head," just feels kind of surreal."

"To you and me both. My kids are all grown up, graduating, moving out in the matter of three months." He sighed.

"Dad, you and mom were together in high school right?"


I breathed in deepily," what did you guys do for college?"

"We stayed together. She went to Berkeley and I went to Notre Dame. We didn't see each other everyday like we use to but we video chatted alot, called, texted, and on holidays we saw each other back home with our families." He explained.

I said," I don't know what to do. I'm going to UCLA and Jess is going to Pratt. We're literally living across the country from each other."

"I'm not going to say it'll be easy if you two stay together because it won't but it may not be easier if you guys break up. It's going to be hard either way. You two have to decide that on your own," he patted my shoulder and stood up," come eat breakfast."

I took a shower, threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, and went downstairs.

"Morning everyone." I greeted sitting at the table and filling my plate.

"Morning baby girl." Mama said sitting next to dad.

I ate my food and washed my plate before going outside. I dialed Jess' number and waited.

"Hey baby." She greeted happily.

"Hey, um, you busy?" I asked.

"No," she said skeptically," why?"

"Mind if I come over?"

"Course not."

"See you soon."

"I love you."

"You too." I said hanging up.

I slipped on some shoes and grabbed my dad's keys," I'll be back before 4." I called before leaving.

I drove slowly to Jess' house, thinking of how I wanted this conversation to go. Honestly it could end two ways.

I stopped in front of her house and got out the car.

"Alex, good to see you." Her mom answered the door.

I smiled weakly," hey Cece, good to see you too." I replied stepping in.

"Jess is out back." She told me.

I nodded and went through the kitchen to the backyard. Jess was sitting on the swing staring off into space.

"Hey." I waved awkwardly as I approached her.

She stood up," do it, just get it over with and leave." She told me.

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now