Game Day

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I drummed on the lunch table as I had my headphones in, nodding to the beat.

I had been on edge all day. I was nervous, my first game at the school was at 5.

"Alex!" I looked up and everyone was staring at me.


Drew patted my shoulder," relax man, you're gonna do great today," he said," and we're all going to be there for you."

I looked around at everyone who nodded," thanks guys."

The bell rang and we all went to our lockers.

In gym I had a special assignment from coach, he wanted me to run suicides and drills.

When French rolled around I spent most of the hour flirting with Kat.

And in History Austin, Drew, and Jess were trying to geek my head up.

The bell rang and I froze.

"Hey, come on," Jess said to me.

I looked up at her as she told Drew and Austin to go.

She sat down and grabbed my face," you need to snap out of it. You're an extraordinary basketball player, you're going to do great. Okay?"

I nodded and she ruffled my hair as she stood up.

"Now let's go, you have a practice to get to." She said and we left the class.

I sighed," are you going to the game?" I asked.

"Of course I am, I have to cheer on my favorite player." She said rolling her eyes.

I smiled widely," awe thanks Jess," I said throwing my arm around her shoulders and pulling her into my side.

She scoffed and pushed me away," not you, I'm talking about Sammi."

I stopped walking and looked at her," seriously?" I asked sadly.

She laughed and jumped on my back," of course it's you." She said ruffling my hair.

I chuckled as we walked to our lockers, Jessica still on my back. Kat glared at us as we approached.

"Alright, I'll see you at the game," Jess said jumping off my back and walking away.

I sat my history book in the locker and turned to Kat who had been staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

Kat rolled her eyes," what was all that?" She asked, talking about Jessica and I.

"Nothing. She was just cheering me up, I've been kind of tense." I explained.

She sighed," yeah I could tell. But you don't need to be, you'll do great." She said wrapping her arms around my neck.

I placed my hands on her hips," you think so?"

"I know so." She said kissing me lightly.

The bell rang and she said goodbye before heading to class. Once I got to the field house I changed. My jersey number was 12, the same number it was at my old school, and also my birthday.

"Lookin good Stratton." Sammi said patting me on the back," how you feelin?"

I sighed," pretty nervous actually."

She chuckled," don't worry about it, you might not even play."

I blinked," yeah, right."


Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now