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I woke up, looked at the clock that read 9 a.m., decided to let Jess sleep, and took a shower before going downstairs.

"Morning." I said to Kat as I made a cup of coffee.

She smiled at me and sipped hers," morning."

I sat next to her at the island," so, how are you?" I asked looking in her eyes.

"Good, as can be expected. Everything still reminds me of my mom. But being with everyone again makes it easier," she placed a hand on my arm," especially you. You've been amazing."

I smiled and shrugged," that's what friends are for."

She chuckled," now I'm starving, cook for me." She said clapping.

I chuckled going to look in the fridge and sighed," you feel like going for a grocery run with me?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes and nodded," yeah sure, let me go change."

We both went upstairs and into our rooms. Jess sat up when I came in.

"Look who's up. Good morning," I kissed her head.

"Morning, you going somewhere?" She asked as I pulled on a pair of black cargo shorts and a turquoise and black striped tank top.

"Kat and I are going to the grocery store," I stepped into my Jordans and pulled on a black SnapBack.

Her eyes widened slightly and she threw the covers off her body," I'll come too."

I put my hands on her shoulders," no you won't. It's just groceries, we've got this." I told her.

"It's just you and Kat?" She asked skeptically.

I nodded," yeah just us, now relax. I love how jealous you get but you have nothing to worry about, trust me."

"That's kind of hard to do Alex." She snapped.

I dropped my hands and nodded," right." I said before grabbing my wallet, keys, and phone.

"Wait Alex, I didn't-"

"I'll be back later." I walked out and closed, more like slammed, the door.

Ali stopped in her tracks at her door. Not saying a word, she turned around and went back inside.

Meeting Kat, her raising an eyebrow at me, downstairs we both got in my car and I went to the nearest supermarket.

I grabbed a shopping cart and wheeled my way through the store.

"Soooo, how are you and Jess?" Kat asked.

Ignoring her question I held up two boxes of cereal," cinnamon toast or Cap'n Crunch?"

Kat raised a brow and pointed to the Cinnamon Toast Crunch box.

I nodded, dropped it in the cart, and continued down the isle.

"Why you ignorin my question Stratton?" She asked lightly pushing my shoulder.

Rolling my eyes I said," we're fine, now if you'd please focus on the task at hand."

She held her hands up in surrender," okay okay, what's next grumpy pants?" She asked.

I stopped myself from smirking," pancake mix, eggs, bacon, and french toast."

We grabbed some more breakfast food, lunch food, and stuff for dinner. We walked around looking for dessert and settled on ice cream, cookies, pie, and cake.

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now