First Day

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"LEXI WAKE UP!" Alison screamed as she jumped on me.

I pulled the covers off my body and looked at her with an 'are you kidding me' stare.

She smiled sheepishly before getting off my bed and skipping out the room. Sighing I got up then jumped in the shower. I washed my hair and braided it towards the back.

I went in my room and threw on my blue jeans, navy blue wife beater, blue and white plaid shirt, Yankees SnapBack, and blue and white Air Force Ones.

I smiled at myself in the mirror. Damn I look good. I slipped my phone and gum, gotta stay fresh, in my pocket, picked up my book bag and went downstairs.

I smirked as I saw Austin and Alison. Austin was wearing black jeans, a navy blue shirt(it was pretty tight), a black leather jacket, and navy blue Nikes.

Alison was wearing a short floral navy blue skirt, a halter crop top sweater shirt, a long cream knit cardigan, and navy blue strap heels.

"So, we're matching today then." Austin said scratching the back of his neck.

I chuckled and Alison smiled widely.

"Alright you guys know the drill, no phone calls home on the first day or fights, no drugs, ever, and here's your money." My dad said as he walked into the kitchen and handed each of us $15.

We looked at him and he looked at us," well, go." He said pointing to the door.

We nodded, hugged him, and left. Alison and I fought over the keys as Austin slid into the passenger seat. I won of course and drove us to school, Alison complaining in the backseat.

"I'm nervous." Alison said as we pulled into the school's parking lot.

I parked towards the back to avoid taking anyone's space and we got out.

"Don't worry, we already have our class schedules, our lockers are next to each other's, except Austin's, and we've got three classes together, plus lunch." I said reassuringly.

She sighed," yeah I guess you're right."

"And look at that," I pointed to her schedule," we've got homeroom together." I said.

She smiled and I threw my arm over her shoulder as we walked to our lockers. Austin's locker was right in between some football players locker and a scrimpy looking kid.

I ignored the odd glances that was directed towards us.

"Hey Alex." I heard.

I looked up and saw the girl I played basketball against during the tour.

"Hey, Sam right?" I asked.

She nodded," but I'd prefer if you call me Sammi."

"Sure thing."

She smiled," so, just came to inform you, practice is every Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30 and games are on Friday, be there by 4." She said.

"Tuesday, Thursday 3:30, Friday 4. Got it." I said nodding.

"Great see you later." She waved and walked away.

Alison chuckled and I put my stuff in my locker. I grabbed a folder, notebook, and pencil.

"Alex!" I rolled my eyes as I heard my name being called again.

I turned and saw Kat and her friends approaching.

"Hey Kat." I smiled.

She waved," oh guys, this is Alex's twin sister Alison." Kat said.

Alison waved.

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now