Best Night of Our Lives

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*Days later*

"Mom," I groaned," does this part really matter?" I asked as my mom scanned through the multiple rows of female suits.

She gasped and looked at me," sweetie yes. Prom is a-a," she struggled to find the words," a right of passage. It's one of the most important nights of a persons life."

I held in the laugh I was about to release because she was very serious about this, she didn't get to go to prom.

"What about this one, I really like this one." I said, picking up a burgundy suit.

My mom raised a brow," that might work. What color is Jessica wearing?"


She nodded just as Austin came over to us. He was holding a silk black suit.

My mom sighed," I guess that's the best I can get out of you two. Go try them on." She said nudging us towards the dressing rooms.

Ali was currently with Jess, Roxy, and Kat dress shopping, lucky her. Austin and I came with my mom because the guys already had their suits, and she insisted.

I slipped the jacket on and stepped out. My mom nodded in approval.

"Do you have a shirt?"

I nodded,"Black."

Austin stepped out soon after and he looked pretty good in his suit.

After getting my mom's approval Austin and I changed and she dragged us to the shoes. It took us a few minutes to find a pair my mother thought was decent enough.

We paid and left the store then went to buy corsages.

"I'm so hungry," Austin groaned as we walked pass the food court.

My mom rolled her eyes," fine you two go eat. I'll go buy the corsages."

We fist pump before walking away.

"She's more excited about prom then we are." Austin said as we stood in line.

I chuckled," that's true. But enough about mom, did you and Drew get the room yet?" I asked.

He shook his head," Drew said he'd do it so I haven't asked him about it yet."

I sighed," we can't count on Drew to do anything!" I exclaimed.

Austin laughed as we bought our food and walked out.

"Hey it's the girls." Austin nodded behind me.

I turned around and saw them walking out a store.

I smiled widely as I saw Jess. She threw her head back, laughing at something Ali had said. Man was I a goner.

"Hey babe." I said walking up to them.

Jess smiled when she saw me," hey." She said kissing me.

We still hadn't talked about college, or our future. I've avoided it for obvious reasons.

"Where's mom?" Ali asked.

"Getting corsages." Austin answered.

She nodded before pulling Jess out of my arms," you two will have plenty of time for that later. We'll see you guys at the restaurant at 7."

We nodded and said goodbye before going to look for mom.

"There you are. Your hair appointments are in 5 minutes let's go." She said dragging us towards the salon.

We got there just in time and they sent us back to get our hair washed. Shortly after we were in the chairs and getting our hair done.

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Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now