The Red Head

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"So what're we gonna do today?" Alison asked me as I pulled on my black joggers and black and white jersey shirt.

"I don't know. We could ask mom and dad for the car and look around town." I said stepping into my black Jordans.

She shrugged," long as you ask."

I looked at her," why me?"

"You're dad's favorite." She said.

I shook my head but before I could reply she got up and left.

"You're asking!" She called back.

I groaned and picked up my phone just as it buzzed. It said that Hailey sent me a photo message.

I opened it and my eyes widened. There stood Hailey, in her panties, just her panties. I gulped.

'Well hello there.' I sent.

'Hey sexy.'- H

I smirked,' what's wit the photo?'

'I sent it in hopes of one in return.'- H

'I just put clothes on.'

'Ugggh, then just take your shirt off.'- H

I shook my head before closing my door and taking my shirt off. I held my phone up, took the picture at an angle, and sent it.

I pulled my shirt back on just as she replied.

'God do I miss those abs :( '- H

I chuckled,' yeah well hopefully you won't have to wait so long till you see them again.'

'I'll see you soon.'- H

'Okay. Bye.' I sent before slipping my phone in my pocket and going to Austin's room.

He was sitting on the bed strumming on his guitar," what?" He asked not looking up.

"Alison and I are gonna go look around town, wanna come?" I asked.

He looked at me," sure." He said before standing up and getting dressed.

I jogged downstairs looking for dad.

"So you and Hailey?" Alison asked.

I frowned,"huh?"

She showed me her phone and the photo Hailey sent me was on the screen. I grabbed her phone and locked the screen, looking around to see if anyone was around.

Don't get me wrong my family knows I'm gay however I don't want everyone seeing Hailey like that.

"How'd- she' huh." I said confused.

"She said my name was right on top of yours in her phone and she accidentally sent it to me first." Alison said.

I rolled my eyes, leave it to Hailey.

"So you two together?" She asked.

I shook my head," no, we aren't, we use to fool around." I told her.

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now