Practice Makes Perfect

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Groaning I rolled over and turned off my alarm. I got up and took a shower before looking for something to wear.

"The burgundy joggers. Stop with all the black jeez Alex." Alison said as she walked by.

I nodded and put on the joggers. I paired it with a black joyrich basketball jersey, black jordans, and a black dirty couture hat.

I grabbed my book bag, phone, and wallet before going downstairs. Surprisingly I was there before everyone else, except  my mother.

"Morning momma." I said kissing her cheek as I grabbed a plate.

"Morning Alex." She said putting pancakes on my plate.

"Chocolate chip?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded as she sat down," so what's going on with you and that Katrina girl?" She asked.

I shrugged," I'm not sure."

"Well do you like her?" She asked.

"I like hanging out with her, but we don't know each other all that well." I said truthfully.

My mom smiled," that's the purpose of dating someone sweetie, to get to know them better." She kissed my cheek," now I have to get to work, have a great day at school. Love you."

"Love you too momma," I called as she left.

I finished eating and washed my dishes. Looking at the clock I sighed and went to the bottom of the stairs.

"Alison, Austin, let's go!" I called.

They came down shortly after, took their sweet time eating and then had the audacity to try to rush me outside.

I parked a little closer to the school this time and got out. We walked in and went straight to our lockers.

"There she is." Drew said walking up to Alison.

She nodded," yeah here I am. What do you want?" She asked.

"You wanna hang out after school?" He asked.

Alison thought for a moment then looked at me as I shrugged.

"Yeah, sure." She said, taking her stuff out her locker.

I grabbed my notebook and folder and shut my locker.

"Hey Alex." I turned around and saw Jessica walking up to me.

I smiled," hey Jess, we still on for after school right?"

She nodded," you think the coach would mind if I sat in on your practice?"

"I have no idea, he shouldn't though." I said shrugging.

"Alright, see you in class." She said walking away, just as Kat walked up.

"Hey hottie." She said wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

I wrapped my arm around her waist," hey."

"What are you doing after school today?" She asked.

"Practice and then Jess and I are working on our History project."

She sighed," what about Friday?"

"I have a game."

She nodded and started to walk away. I grabbed her hand and pulled her against my chest.

"But I was hoping I could take you out Saturday, an all day kind of thing." I said looking in her eyes.

She smiled," it's a date." She said kissing me.

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now