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"Dad!" I called out as we stepped in the house.

"In the kitchen."

I dropped my book bag, opened the fridge, and grabbed the strawberry cheesecake.

"You're home early. Free track?" He asked.

I nodded," what about you?" I asked.

"Went to the job, boss told me I had a home project." He said.

I frowned," what's that?" I asked eating a spoonful of cheesecake.

"Basically he'll email about a client, and I have to draw up blueprints to either renovate or build a home." He said grabbing a spoon and eating some himself.

I smiled and nodded," sounds fun."

He nodded," it is. Hey, go change we can play that game." He said.

I nodded before jogging upstairs. I threw on a pair of basketball shorts and a black compression shirt.

"Ready to get your butt kicked old man." I said stretching as I stood on the court.

My mom had a basketball hoop installed in the back yard where the driveway was. The pavement was asphalt, which was brilliant, and she had white lines painted on it to create the court.

Chuckling my dad said," I taught you everything you know kiddo, you can't beat me." He pulled his leg up from behind.

I smirked and dribbled the ball before shooting it," swish." I said as it sailed straight through the net.

He shook his head and grabbed it," check." He said bouncing it to me.

"Game on." I said dribbling as I walked to him.

His eyes were on my feet and hands. I bounced the ball from one hand to the next and picked up my pace.

"Which way am I gonna go?" I egged him on.

He smirked and shook his head. I faked to the right, he followed, and I ran to the left laying up the ball.

I grabbed the ball," losers or winners?" I asked.


I stood at the arc and dribbled. I jogged and passed the ball between my legs. My dad never took his eyes off my hands and feet.

Just as I went to cross him over her stole the ball. He ran back behind the arc, clearing the ball, and turned to me.

I watched his hands and feet as he dribbled the ball. He was just about as quick as I was. He faked to the right before bouncing the ball between my legs. He ran ahead grabbed it and dunked.

My eyes were wide," what was that?" I asked smiling.

"I taught you everything you know, not everything I know." He said smirking.

I nodded, this is gonna be good.

I sat down on the ground heaving.

"Great game." I said giving my dad a thumbs up.

I won by one point. We nearly matched in skill. The game was back and forth, I made a shot, he made a shot.

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now