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*2 weeks later*

"Alright alright enough Stratton. I don't need one of my star players wearing herself out the day of the championship game." Coach said taking the ball from my hands.

It was the middle of the school day, Friday. I got a pass from my 4th hour teacher and went to the gym to practice. To say I was anxious was an understatement.

All week I had been putting in two or more extra hours of practice. I had also been working out with Drew, who was also practicing pretty hard.

I chuckled and ran my sweaty arm across my even more sweaty forehead," practice makes perfect coach."

He patted my back," get to class Stratton, you're going to do great tonight."

I nodded before going to the locker room and showering. I had two outfits in my locker, one for the after party(whether we win or lose), and a black suit(coach wanted all the girls dressing formally and I hate skirts and dresses).

I threw on my black suit, white button up, and all black converse before going back into the school and hung around my locker until the end of 4th hour.

"Hey you," Jessica said approaching me.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist," I've missed you." I said nuzzling her neck.

She giggled," I've missed you too Lex." Her hands trailing up to my face as her lips met mine.

Her lips parted and I deepened the kiss, still mindful of the people in the hallway. Her fingers played with the hair at the nape of my neck as my hands slid just above her butt.

"You psyched for tonight?" Drew asked walking up and slapping me on the back lightly.

I pulled away from Jess, who laid her forehead on my chest, and glared at him.

"I take it I'm interrupting," he chuckled nervously.

"Drewbie!" Ali exclaimed jumping on Drew's back and peppering his face with kisses.

He smiled widely and kissed her," hello love."

"They're so cute," Jess whispered, her cheek now resting on my chest.

I nodded," he makes her happy and vice versa."

"Awe look at the happy couples." Roxy said walking up with Antonio.

"Sup Tone." I said nodding to him.

He nodded back and did the same to Drew.

"We all should triple date one day." Ali said excitedly.

Antonio, Drew, and I exchanged looks and said," no."


"No." We said again.

"Guys you don't even-"

We narrowed our eyes at Ali and she sighed and gave up causing us to laugh.

"Hey." Austin said approaching us with a sour look on his face.

Drew and I exchanged glances knowing exactly why Austin looked so salty.

"We'll catch you girls at lunch. You too Tone." I said nodding to Drew and grabbing Austin's arm.

Drew and I walked Austin down the hall and out the rarely used back door.

"What?" Austin asked.

Drew crossed his arms," what happened to that girl, Christina?" He asked.

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now