Her Mom

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"Uh dad," I walked into his office and he looked up at me," I'm meeting Jess' mom in like two hours and I'm really nervous." I said sitting in a chair across from him.

He smiled and moved to sit next to me," you have nothing to worry about sweetie. It's going to sound cliche but just be yourself, Jessica likes you because you're you, so will her mom."

I sighed," dad you and I both know how I get around adults."

He chuckled," yeah you're a mess. You speak too fast and your words come out all jumbled, it's kind of like a hyperactive word vomit."

My eyes widened and I started to second guess my decision to meet Jessica's mom today.

"You're so right, I'm in over my head." I said putting my head in my hands.

My dad placed his hand on my shoulder," you know, back when your mother and I started dating I was this rebellious, drag racing, street kid. Her dad hated me and her mom thought I wasn't any good for her, all because they saw me at the school wearing black jeans and a leather jacket, you know what I did?"

I shook my head.

"When it was time to meet them, I threw on my freshest pair of black jeans, a Beatles t-shirt, and my black leather jacket. Your mom thought I looked hot and when I went to her parents house they glared daggers at me. But once we sat down and started eating and talking they loved me. I had her dad laughing so hard and her mom was smiling the entire time. When it was over they said they had me pegged wrong, they thought I was nothing but trouble, granted I was a little but that wasn't who I truly was and they saw that." He said.

I smiled," so just be myself?"

He nodded," that's all you have to do."

I wrapped my arms around him," thanks dad."

"Anytime." He said hugging me back.

I ran up to my room and threw on my black slacks, black button up, grey vest, and grey SnapBack.

"Really with the hat Alex." Alison said walking in the room.

I shrugged," just being myself." I said before going downstairs and grabbing the keys out of the kitchen.

"Bye mom bye dad!" I called.

"Bye sweetie!" My mom called.

I drove to the flower shop and picked up a bouquet of wildflowers. I also picked up a bottle of sparkling cider.

I smoothed my shirt out and knocked on Jessica's door. A few minutes later she opened it and pulled me inside.

"You look beautiful." I said hugging her.

She was wearing a short blue dress and her hair was pinned up.

She smiled," thank you," she said grabbing the flowers out of my hand and pulling me into the kitchen.

"Mommy," she said and a woman who looked almost exactly like her turned around I mean same blonde hair and all.

Her mom smiled and approached me," you must be Alex." She held her hand out.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Lewis." I said shaking her hand.

She looked at the bottle in my hand and raised an eyebrow. My eyes widened as I realized what it looked like.

"Oh this is sparkling cider. I figured I could bring something to the table since you invited me to dinner and all and I'm not old enough to get champagne cause ya know under age drinking in all and-" she held her hand up.

Unexpectedly Falling in Love - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now