new story :chapter one

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after drowning her sorrows the previous night rachel wakes up with a pounding headache she moves in her bed only to touch something she turns and sees sebastian laid their looking at her through slit like eyes he clearly was suffering too. rachel didnt know what to say or do thruth was after he arrived with blaine and had spent time in the apartment rachel had developed somewhat of a crush on the former bad boy. then it hit her what if he rejected her and made her feel stupud for what they had done her mind was now made up.

"im going to the bathroom if you could be out of my bed by then please"rachel said quickle grabbing her robe and almost ran to the bathroom.


rachel had done her best to avoid sebastian by going out for walks or simply staying in bed any after three troublesome weeks sebastian had announced he had found a place of his own and was moving out.


as sebastian was packing the last of his things rachel was in the kitchen making a sandwich kurt and blaine were out.

"so after five awkward weeks your free of me"sebastian said to her rachel had been so focused on her task that suddenly his words freaked her out.

"five weeks"rachel said out loud but to herself

"what broadway"he asked

"five weeks it cant be five weeks"rachel said

"i made that much of an impression on you did i"he asked

"i cant be"rachel said

"rachel you not making any sence"sebastian said as he taped a box shut

"i havent had my period "rachel said

"since we"sebastian said rachel merely nodded

"best get a test then"sebastian said as rachel grabbed her coat only for sebastian to follow her.

"im quite capable of getting one by myself'rachel said

"im coming with you and that berry if final"sebastian said

they walked the streets of bushwick until they arrived at a 24 hour pharmacy and went inside thry searched the aisles until rachel found what she wanted.

"you should get that one"sebastian said as he walked up to her

"but it costs more"rachel said

"im buying it so get that one"sebastian snapped rachrl annoyed at been spoken to like that grabbed the one she had decided on before he butted in. she headed to the counter only for sebastian to put the test he wanted on the counter.

"we will take both"sebastian said handing his card over to the cashier.

they had returned to the loft not having exchanged a single word since leaving the pharmacy

"do both"he said to her as she tuck the bag containing both tests out of her purse rachel went into the bathroom and did infact do both tests.

once they were done she went back out of the bathroom and handed his chosrn test to him while she held hers they were both pacing around to anxious to sit down.

"ready"sebastian said to her and they both looked at their tests yep rachel berry was pregnant.

"i cant believe this"rachel said bursting into tears before sebastoan could do anything kurt and blaine walked and saw rachel in tears.

"oh barbra what on earth is the matter"kurt said running to her while giving sebastian a funny look

"she is pregnant"sebastian said

"what"kurt exclaimed

"wait is he right rach"blaine askec as he walked over and hugged her too.

"yes"rachel said

"your not back with brody are you"kurt asked

"no"rachel said

"its mine"sebastian said causing both kurt and blaine to pull awsy to look back and forth between them.

"how"kurt asked

"we were drunk"rachel said

"i cant believe this rach what are you gonna do about it"kurt asked

"dont you mean what are we gonna do its my baby too."sebastian said

" my life is over"rachel said starting to si0ob

"god never get an actress pregnant"sebastian said to himself but she heard him

"its not just her fault"kurt said to him.

"i know that"sebastian said

" have you been to the clinic" blaine asked her

" no i just did the test. " rachel said

" well you need it comfirming before you decide anything or should i say you two decide anything"blaine said

" look can you guys give us a few minutes we need to talk" sebastian asked

while kurt looked at sebastian as if to say no way blaine pulled him to the door of the loft and they left.

" right we will go to the drop in clinic tomrrow morning"sebastian said

"fine"rachel said.

" then after that we shall discuss our options"he said

"i cant have an abortion"rachel said

"good atleast we agree on that" sebastian said

" im sorry if i was off it with you earlier but its not just you who has been affected by this"sebastian added

"i know that"rachel said


next chapter will be posted very soon

thank you pleae feel free to comment and vote thank you

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