chapter sixteen

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its the following day while sebastian had been quiet he had been okay with rachel though they were both dreading the dinner with both sets of parents.

rachel was dreading it as maggie and charles were lovely and had been nothing but supportive plus hey really wanted to meet her dads.

rachel was nervous of how hiram was gonna be with sebastian infeont of his parents thruth be known she was ashamed of how hiram had acted and she didnt want maggie and charles think badly of her family.

kirt and blaine had left early incase sebastian wanted to talk to rachel he had only said. few things mainly that he wasnt remontely angry with her that none of last night wws her fault amd that he didnt want it to affect their relationship.

now it was time to head out to the plaza where the meal was to take place rachel was feeling sick and sebastian looked upset is what rachel thought it looked like.

the journey to the plaza was only ahort far to short for rachel's liking as their got out of the cab they made their was into the lobby where they spotted his parents.

" hello" maggie said hugging both of them as charles then did the same.

" are you alright my dear you look pale charles asked he

"im okay" rachel said

"why dont you two ladies go to the table and we shall wait for your fathers" charles said

" oh um" rachel said looking at sebastian

" go sit down its alright" sebastian said rachel walked with maggie to the table and they sat down a mome t later sebastian charles leroy and hiram arrived. leroy hugged rachel and maggie hiramshook maggies hand and  gave rachel a faint smile before sitting down.

" so we meet at last" maggie said

" yes  and your outfit is stunning chanel" leroy said

"thank you" maggie said

" so are you two as excited at the prospect of a grandchild as we are" charles said happily

" no" hiram said rachel stared at her menu

" i see" charles said

" this is not the life we planned for rachel you must understand that" hiram said

" well yes but as the saying goes you can plan all you want but you cant plan life" charles said with chuckle clearly wanting to lighten the mood.

" life two stupid college kids getting drunk more like"hiram sai

"stop"leroy whispered to him.

they ordered their drinks rachel noticed his parents watching hiram alot  until the waiter left the table.

" still a grandchild is exciting" charles said

" so your saying your proud of your son for ruining his life"hiram said before the waiter returned with their drinks.

"do we wish the situation was differnt yes but sebastian is taking his responsibilites seriously and we are proud of him for that. plus we think rachel is a very lovely girl and have no doubt that this child will have a good mother and father" charles said

they ordered their food and sat quietly until the waiter had left their table before resuming he conversation.

" have you seen the scan photos" maggie said to leroy

" yes arnt they amazing" leroy said

" they are" maggie said smiling at leroy before smiling at seb and at rachel.

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