chapter two

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rachel didnt sleep that night sebastian uad remained in the loft over night inorder for them to go early to the clinic.
how could this have happened she wondered had they been so drunk they hadnt been carefull.

she wondered what it would mean for her and sebastian they had a shaky relationship as it is and now they had agreed they werent gonna get rid of thr baby so that meant only one thjng she was gonn be a mommy and he was the daddy which meant for the next eighteen to twenty one years they were gonna be in each others lives. could they put their differences aside for the sake of their baby only time would tell.

them she thought of him he had been so off wih her since that night shich was why she had been the one to freak out as to have him do it would have been to hard on her for two reaons. firstly he was the first guy she had been with since finn died she had broken up with brosy a few weeks before finn died and thruth was she craved been held at night and waking up with comforting arms around her. while we and sebastian werwnt cuddled up he was in bed and the thought of him scurrying out of her section of the loft would have hurt. secondly she fancied him she had to admit that to herself now she did which was one pf the reasons she had felt so awkward round him afterwards. since he had moved in he had been friendly but not that friendly they had been civil he had a few rows with kurt but she and him had gotton on okay.

rache looked atthe clock and in was 6am she decided to get up after all their was no way she was gonna get to sleep now.

aftershe was dressed she headed to the kotchen to make some coffee only to find the coffee was ready and still warm she poured a mug and turned to see sebastian sat on the couch.

" i take it you couldnt sleep either" he whispered not wanting to wake klaine up

" nope" rachel said

" well if we are both up after we have finished our coffees shall we go to the clinic" he asked

" yeah might as well" rachel said sitting at the dining table to drink her coffee.

half an hour later they were heading to the subway rachel was in world of her own thoughts racing through her mind.

once on the subway they sat in silince wether it was nerves orsimply not wanting to piss the other off by saying something rachel didnt know but before she knew it they had reached their stop.

they remained silent as they walked to thr drop in clinic rachel made her way up to the receptin and filled in a form before they took their seats to wait it wasnt packed but there was a few people waiting.

" im just gonna go to the little girls room" rachel said as the smell of antiseptic cream waffed from one of the rooms making her feel sick. she just reached the toilet when she threw up and it kept coming rachel knew that was proof enough in itselfas he had always had quite a strong stromach. after cleaning herself up and splashing her face with water rachel checked her appearance in the mirror before exiting the toilet to find sebastian stood outside of it waiting for her.

" have they called me" rachel asked him

" no i heard you i wondered if you were alright" he said

" the smell of the antiseptic made me sick" rachel told him he nodded but didnt say anything as they walked back to their seats.

almost an hour later her name was called and they both went through to the doctors room

" well good morning i read your form it seems you think your pregnant how wonderful"the doctor said with a smile but stopped smiling seeing both of their faces.

" right well when was your last period" the doctor asked rachel

" six weeks ago" rachel said

" and have you had unproctected sex." he asked

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