chapter thirteen

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rachel had a great time on thursday with maggie at the day spa she had several treatments and had felt so much better on herself afterwards.

she also had relised on thursday morning as she had been getting ready that she was starting to show now.

its friday and rachel and sebastian are on their way to see dr walker for their twelve week scan rachel is feeling better now than she had since she found out she was pregnant wether it was the spa or the fact that she and sebastian had started getting on alot better infact they had started having quite a laugh with each other.

as they arrived for their scan they went and  sat in the waiting room when her name was called so they went in to the doctors room.

" well hello again your looking a lot better" the doctor said to her

" im feeling better" rachel said

" wonderful now lets have a look at you hop on the bed" he said rachel did as he asked amd raised her top for the scan to be done.

" wow your showing" sebastian said walking over and staring at the bump

" yes you are now lets have a look" the doctor said amd once again the sound of the heartbeat filled the room rachel was so mich more happier now before the stress of her situation with sebastian had been getting to her but they werw friends now so it all didnt seem so daunting anymore she was actually looking forward to having the baby and been a mom now.

" well everything is looking great" the doctor said

" thats great news" sebastain saod he tuck her hand and held it as they both looked at the monitor showing a grainy image of their baby.

" two copies" the doctor asked them they nodded.

omce out of the doctors they had headed home sebastian had an exam next week so he was on study leave today from college.

however as they were on the subway blaine had called sebastian to ask them to go to the loft so they got off of the next stop and caught a different train and made their way to the loft.

as they arrived at the loft and blaine opened the door rachel didnt know what to do as she saw santana sat on the couch. they had never been the best of friends but the year previous santana had brielft lived with her and kurt while blaine and sebastian were both still at school they had become friends but then had a huge fall out and hadnt spoken to each other since.

" hello streisand have you missed me" santana said rachel just stood there

" santana" puck said

" oh alriht im sorry for trying to steal your part from you i dont know why i did that maybe it is just because i truly am a bitch but i hear from our best gays that your knocked up and i wanted to see if you were alright" santana said

" i dont know what to say" rachel said

" well you could start by saying what the hell fivel is doing here" santana said clearly the best gays hadnt told her everything. puck senced she would freak out and stood up infront of rachel

" what" santana said looking around before she finally figured ot out

" keep calm" blaine said

" you mean he is the father oh my god like how did that happen seriously what wwre you drunk or something" santana said

" yes actually we were drunk" sebastian said

" i cant believe it i mean i thought maybe puck was the daddy or even blaine as he tends to become straight when he drinks but fivel how did you decide who cum first you two are so competive "santana said

"okay lets move on from the conception" kurt said rachel smiled at him

" quin thought you were gay you know i knew you werent" santana said to sebastian

"oh really" sebastian said

" yeah you were leering at me during our little mj duet" santana said

" i doubt that" puck said

" what"  santana asked

" well you and rach arent exactly the same type" puck said

" you dated both of us" santana said

" yeah because im a stud every girl is my type" pucl said he high fived sebastian.

" right well come sit down rach have you got the scan photo" blaine asked

" rachel sat  next to blaine and sebastian sat at her other side they all looed at the scan picture.

" wait a minute if this a boy arw we talming a otu a warbler here or a new direction" santana asked

" neither he or she will be raised in new york" rachel said

" i cant believe you didnt tell be kurt all tnose hours spent skpying "santana said

"you skype"blaine asked

"i like to be abreast of what is going on back home"kurt said

"i see"blaine said as sam walked in rachel noticed sebastian seemed to tense up.

"hey trouty"santana said hugging him

"so now sam is here and we have discussed the scandle that is the baby you never told me you were coming is everything alright" kurt asked santana

" britt and i broke up." santana said

" oh no what happened" blaine asked

" brittany wanted to do to the amazon to look for a unicorn a d i told her i cant waste the money my parents gave me on that and she thought it was been mean" santana said

" so i guess im asking if i could have the couch for a few nights" santana asked

" no you can have rchels old room puck is on the couch her bed is to short for him he prefers the couch"blaine said

"but where will she sleep"santana said

"ravhel doesnt live here anymore"kurt said

"really where do you live" she asked rachel braced herself to say it but

"we share an apartment we thougt it best for the baby" sebastian said

" hold the phone your shacking up with him now what the fuck as happened since i left as the world gone mad"santana said

"rachel hasnt been well so its best for her to be there"blaune said squeezing rachels hand

"so lwt me see if i jave this right you live together and your having a baby together butnyour not together am i the only one who thinks sebastian should have his name changed to ross its like somwthing out of a tv show." snatana said

they spent another hour at the loft before heading home to get ready for another meal with his parents.

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