chapter twenty eight

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as hunter stood there sebastian walked over to him and they bro hugged and thad and nick followed suit

" i suppose if we forgiving sebastian we should forgive him to even if he is a nasty cheater" kurt said

" we arent in high school anymore" hunter said

" true" quinn said

" look hunter is my friend do you think i would have rachel and our unborn baby around him if i didnt thi k he was trustworthy " sebastian said

" good point " blaine said earning a smile from rachel

" anyway i thought this was a gathering of friends to hang out and relax its not like we are competing against one another anymore" hunter said

" hey i have made mistakes you guys have always forgiven me" puck said as there was another knock on the door which made them all look at each other as everyone who was expected was already there.

blaine walked to the door and pulled it open to reveal trent stood there grinning warmly at them all

" oh my god trent" thad said

" i heard about you guys coming to see sebastian from my mom who your mom told nick so i thought i have to see you guys" trent said as all the warblers that were there hugged him including blaine and kurt apart from hunter .

" now i always liked him" santana said

" yeah he helped bring me down" hunter said trent hadnt seen hunter  until now

"  im sorry for what happened to the warblers but you ruined everything we stood for" trent said

" i completely agree trent i know what i did was wrong" hunter said

"aaahh" trent screamed when he saw rachel which caused her to move closer to sebastian

" your pregnant " trent said running over and hugging her

" yeah" rachel said surprised at trent

" so who is lucky guy" trent asked

" that would be me" sebastian said

"oh" trent said nodding looking back and forth between rachel and sebastian

" well its about time we all came together" trent said

" what exactly are you suggesting" puck asked

" what oh no i just meant i never understood why we all started falling out we all l8ved music nd singing i would have thought we would have all been friends" trent said

" mybe we can be that way now" sebastian said

" right guys i have prepared a buffet so i will go get it ready" blaine said as hunter walked over to rachel and sebastian.

" your looking well rachel" hunter said

" thank you" rachel said

" so you guys are dating now thats nice" hunter said

" yeah it is" sebastian said

"rachel come with me" santana said pulling rachel away from sebastian and leading into what was her bedroom when she lived there.

as they went into her former bedroom she saw quinn stood in there

" so your dating mr rocksalt now" santana said

" yes" rachel said

" why" santana asked

"is he forcing you"quinn said

"what is this an intervention or something " rachel asked annoyed

"well yeah clearly you not thinking straight" santana said

"look i appreciate you guy trying to look out for me but you dont know sebastian or anything about our relationship" rachel said

" but are you seriously thinking of spending your life with fivel" santana asked

"yes if you must know i hope we do spend the rest of our lives together " rachel said

"come on rachel" quinn said

"you guys made my life hell at school why would i care what you guys think kurt and blaine are my best friends and they see how happy i am and i think more of their opinions than i do yours" rachel said storming out of the bedroom and straight to sebastian.

"you okay" sebastian asked seeing her face

"im just sick of people giving their unasked for opinions " rachel said

" rach" kurt said having walked over to see her while sebastian cuddled her to him

" im okay" rachel said

" foods ready" blaine announced

rachel spent the afternoon sat on sebastian's knee avoiding quinn and santana but she did enjoy the afternoon as puck had brought his guitar and was singimg hilarious songs he had written.

plus hunter trent nick and thad were telling her stories about sebastian making her laugh trent especially made her laugh he was adorable as he ever was.

it ended up rachel sebastian kurt blaine trent hunter thad nick puck sam and mercedes all were sat laughing their heads off and quinn and santana were stood looking on.

as the afternoon turned to evening rachel was starting to feel tired so she and sebastian said goodbye to them all and got a taxi home.

once back at the apartment rachel felt the pleasure of taking off her shoes while sebastian locked the door before he turned with a devious grin on his face.

"oh god what are you after" rachel said unable to not giggle as he walked over to her

" well as we are now home i believe your payment is now due" sebastian said bending down and kissing her.

" i guess it is" rachel said as he helped her stand up and they both made their way to their bedroom.

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