chapter four

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its the following weekend rachel is now eight weeks pregnant and she is suffering from terrible morning sickness its saturday and she hasnt left her bedroom all morning.

"rach breakfast"blaine calls out

"no thanks i dont think i could keep any thing down"rachsl replied before blaine came in to see her

" you okay" he asked concerned blaine had not stopped worrying about her since he found out.

"oh my god"kurt exclaimed

"kurt"blaine said leaving rachels bedroom

"oh my god"blaine exclaimed unable to stop her desire to know what was going on she got up out of bed ane finally left her bedroom.

"oh my god sam what are you doing here"rachel asked

" i thought i would give modeling a shot can i sleep on you couch"sam asked

"no you can have the spare room"blaine said

"spare room but i thought tht warbler dude was living here"sam said

"he left" kurt said

" hope he didnt cause trouble"sam said both blaine and kurt looked at rachel

"actually im pregnant sebastian is the father"rachel said given he was gonna find out anyway

" oh i see you and he a thing now" sam asked

" no" rachel said.


as klaine had plans that they couldnt get out of and sam needed work he and rachel went to the diner she and the others all worked at to get him a job.

rachel wited at an empty tble as it wasnt that busy while sam spoke with the manager whennhe had done tht he came back to her.

"well i guess we are collegues now so howcabout i treat you to dinner here as a thank you"sam asked

"okay sure"rachel said

they ate dinner while sam told her stories from back home and what was going on a mckinley now afterwards he insisted on taking her to a gelato place b0not far from their apartment he had walked by it on his way to theirs earlier. as they walked back tp the loft eating their ice cream they had just turned the corner onto the street where their building was and rachel saw sebastian just getting out of a cab he saw her and sam.

"hey"sam said to him

"hey"sebastian said looking puzzled at sam

"i got your old room"sam told him

"oh i see"sebastian said to sam though he was looking at rachel.

they all went into the building and to the loft

"right shall i make some coffee"rachel asked she wanted to break the tension as both sam and sebastian were staring at each other.

" no let sam do it i need to talk to you"sebastian said

"sure i will do it"sam said walking into the kitchen section of the loft

"what" rachel asked

" well i wanted to talk about doctors i have heard of a good one called dr wilson one of my moms friends daughters used him a few months ago she said he was great" sebastian said

" well if he is recommended then im fine with that"rachel said

"good" sebastian said as sam returned with three mugs of coffee.

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