chapter seventeen

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its 3am and rachel is awake after not eating at dinner she is feeling hungry she sits up in bed as she moves she wakes sebastian.

" whats wrong" he askes sleepily

" im hungry" she answers

" order home service" he said

" i might do" rachel said pi kignup the menu fdom her night stand sebastian put the lightnon for her as there was anumber of switches that controlled things she wasnt sure which was the light switch.

" thank you" rachel said as she started reading thought the menu

" think i will join you" he said picking uphis osn menue after all he had only picked at his food.

once they decided what they wanted he ordered it a d they sat up in bed waiting fod it sebastian sat watching her wondering if he should tel, her how he feels but then thinkin given how stressed she is over her dad what if she doesnt feel the same way and it makes her feel bad he doesnt want that.

as they food arrives they pull the table over the bed out and start tucking in to their chosen dishes.

" yummy" rachel said eating her pasta

" yeah it is" he  said

he watched as she sat their tucking into her food he could twll with her eyes she was fewling the pain of her father been awkward he wanted nothing more than to put his arms around her and tell her everything was gonna be alright.

he wondered what she would say if he told her how he felt he wondered if she didnt feel the same way would they be able to remain living together he wanted to be there for her and the baby would it ruin everything. then he thought what if he didnt tell her and he missed his chance with her and she started dating someone how he would feel if a boyfriend turned up at the apartment for her while he watched their baby.

he made his mind up he would talk tl the one person who he felt knew rachel the most blaine he would twll blaine how he felt and blzine could guide him on what to do.

later that day

after their early morning snack they both slept late and ended up having to rush not to moss their checkout time they had nissed breakfast with his parents which he noticed his father seemed quite happy about.

they got into a cab to go home.

" i have something that i need to do so i will drop you off then go do it" sebastian told her

" okay" rachel said

once rachel was back at their apartment he told the cab driver to take him to bushwick he hoped kurt wouldnt he at home.

as he arrived t the loft he was in look kurt wasnt home only blane was blaine looked surorised to see him worried even.

" is rach okay" blaine asked.

" yeah welk her dad hiram was a bastard at dinner with my parents but she is fine" sebastian said

" good and are you okay" blaine asked sebastian started to cry before he could stop himself

" seb" blaine said surprised

" sit down"blaine said

"i dont know what to do"sebastian said

"about her dad"blaine asked

"no about rachel"sebastian said

"i dont understand"blaine said

"i love her" sebastian said

"i know you do"blaine said

"you know"sebastiannasked surprised

"well when you were in your room and i came to see if you were alright ypu only cared about her i thought maybe you loved her" blaine said

" i do but should i tell her what if it ruins eveything" sebastian said

" you should tell her" blaine said

" but what if she doesnt feel the same what if she cnt face living with me after i tell her i would lose out on been with my baby when he or she is born the  wouldnt i" sebastian said

"you need to tell her"blaine said

" but what about kurt he might mess with her head if she moves back in here" sebastian said

" kurt wont do that i wont let himand she wont be moving back here" blaine said

" but what if it makes things difficult between us" sebastian said

" it wont" blaine said

" blaine" sebastian said thinkig blaine was been delusional

" rachel iz one of the most dearest people to me and i want her to be happy if i hought you telling her you love her wouldnt be in her best interest i wouldnt be telling you to tell her" blaine said sebastian thoguht over wnat blaine had just said

" wait as she spoken about me" he asked

" go talk to her" blaine said

" she has hasnt she" sebastian said a smile on his face did this mea rachel had feelings for him.

" go to her" blaine said sebastian didnt need to know anything else he rushed out of the loft and hailed a cab he was feeling nervous nowwhat was he gomna say how was he gonna say it. before he knew it he was at the apartment building.

as he entered their apartment rachel was sat back watching tv she had her pjs on he thiught she looked adorable in a sexy kind of way.

" hey" he said she was looking at him oddly but then againhe had walked in with a rather large grin in his face the last time he had a grin like that was when the warblers had bewten the new directions at regionals so he could  understand her been wewry of it.

" are you alright your not blinking."rachel asked

" i am okay" he said

" you look weird"rachel said

"thanks"he said he went over to the couch she was laid back on and went to sit down making her sit up.

"whats going on" she asked he looked at her

" rachel i think we need to talk" he said

" okay" she said she looked afraid

" well i have something to say but im not sure how to say it" he said then it came to him he disnt need to say anything he simple tuck her hand and held it for a moment while looking at her. he lened in and placed his lips on hers rachel was clearly stunned a d djdnt kiss back but then she did and he tuck that as his chance to deepen the kiss placing his hand on the back of her neck.

as they broke apart for air she seemed on thw verge of tears he wondered if he did the right thing then she burst into tesrs and flung her arms round him holding tightly.

" i love you" he said to her as he held her

" i love you too" she said.

too be continued this evening

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