chapter nine

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three weeks later.
rachel is in their apartment sebastin is on his was home from colloge she is making pasta she is now 11 weeks pregnant thankfully the drip had done the job and while she still suffering from morning sickness and feeling tored she is alot better than she was.

while the initial few days of them living together had been awkward they had now gotton used to it and had been able to be relaxed around each other.

as rachel stirred the pasta the door opened she assumed it was sebastian but it wasnt.

"oh hello can i help you"rachel ssid to the woman but as she stepped closer she relised just who the woman was she had to be his mom he had her eyes.

" you must be rachel sebastian speaks of you often im maggie sebs mom"maggie said rachel went to shake her hand but maggie pulled her into a hug.

"nice to meet you" rachel said feeling under dressed as she was in her sweats and his mom was wearing prada.

" so is seb home" maggie asked

" he is on his way" rachel said as the man himself walked in and looked shocked at seeing his mother

"mom"he said hugging her

"i know im not expected but i had to come meet the girl carrying my first grandchild"maggie said

"you should have called i could have arranged a table somewhere" sebastian said

" still refusing to cook"maggie said to sebastian

"i just dont want to end up in hospital again" sebastian said

" oh my god what happened" rachel asked

" he made toast" maggie said

" how can you get ill from toast" rachel said

" he microwaved it"maggie said

" i was ten" sebastian said

" yes and you werent even supposed to be in my kitchen either he was sod for brealing rules do you know the things he got upto growing up rachel has he ever told you once while him father was in rome on a business trip and i had gone with him sebastian had to board at dalton and he tried to escape" maggie said

" escape"rachel said looking at him

"wait for it rachel this is a classic he rang a limo rachel a lime he ordered a limo to pick him up from his school" maggie said chucking

" so you came to embarrass me"sebastian said to his mom as rachel dished up the pasta

" not at all i just think rachel needs understand she is having a smythe and as your mother i can honestly smythe children are hard work completly worth it but the fact is sebastian since you were concieved you have been a sod now i wouldnt change you sweetheart but she needs to be prepared"maggie said laughing

the three of them sat down to eat the pasta

" this is delicious rachel" maggie said

" thank you" rachel said

" so your friends with kurt and blaine "maggie asked

"yeah kurt went to mckinley before he joined the warblers" rachel said

" wait a minute your rachel berry you the girl sebastian was trying to beat all the time at competions" maggie said

" he didnt tell you" rachel was surprised maggie didnt know she lived in ohio

" no but it makes more sense now it must have been fun the four of you living in that loft before he got this place" maggie said

" it was an experience" rachel said

" i bet" maggie said rachel liked maggie

" so has blaine forgiven you seb" she asked

" i think so" sebastian said

" so have you two set a date yet your father is itiching to book the country club" maggie said rafhel looked confues at sebastian

" mom rachel amd i are not getting married" sebastian said rachel looked back and forth between sebastian and his mother.

" but the baby sebastian" maggie said

" mom i told you we are friends we are not dating" sebastian he looked flustered

"i know thats what you said but i thought given your now living together i assumed you were together" maggie said

" no" sebastian said he seemed a gry rachel felt awkward

" well im sorry i misread the situation i hope i havent made things awkward i honestly dod think you two were together"maggie said

" well can we change the subject"sebastian said

" so the baby you have your scan next week you mist be excited" maggie said

" yeah" rachel said

" so whats dad up to"sebastian asked

" he is in chicago but he will be here tomorrow" Maggie said

" what" sebastian asked

" sebastian your going to be a father we might be surprised by it but we are looking forward to been grandparents and we would both like to get to know rachel she is having your baby therefore she is one of us and naturally we want to build up a relationship with you rachel so that you would trust us to babysit" maggie said

" how you gonna baby sit from ohio" sebastian asked

"well your father is mainly in new york on business and im from here so we thought of moving to the hamptons imagine you son or daughter running around a large garden" maggie said

" does dad know of your plans"sebastian asked

" yes we only moved to westerville for you to attend dalton and i could be away fro. you partly because your my little boy and because i knew we would be constantly called in to see the dean. your not in ohio anymore so why wouls we stay"maggie said

"speaking of staying you can have my room i will sleep on the couch" sebastian said to his mom

" nonsense i have booked in at the plaza i dodnt want to intrude" maggie said

" i see" sebastian said

" so rachel are your family based in ohio" maggie asked

" my dads are in lima" rachel said

" oh you mist miss them" maggie said

" yeah i do" rachel said

" we will have to meet up with them ph and i figured if your dad is to be here tomorrow seb we could take rachel out for dinner and you ofcourse sebastian" maggie said they all laughed

" okay" sebastian maggie then looked at who nodded

after maggie had left

"i am so sorry" sebastian said after walking his mom out

" no its fine i like her she as great sense of humour" rachel said

" well im pleased you tuck it that way my parents arw lovely but they can be overbearing at ti es especially when they are together they dont have a filter"sebastian said

" oh really you men saying things without thinking reminds me of someone" rachel said as she stood up to go to her room they both laughed at what she said then without warning sebastian pulled her to him and kissed her it only last a few seconds before he acted wierd and went into his room rachel was left shocked.

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