chapter thirty

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hi guysi have decidee to bring this story to an end so this will be the final chapter hope you have enjoyed reading this story. thank you for your votes and your comments on it.

rachel is 39 weeks pregnant its 3.10am she is in bed cuddled up to sebastian when she is woken by a terrible pain which makes her cry out waking sebastian.

"rach" he said switching the lamp by his side of the bed on

"oh oh" rachel said

"is it the baby" sebastian asked holding her arm

"yes my water broke" rachel said he then jumped out of bed and frantucally started getting dressed.

" do you want to go like that to the hospital" sebastian asked

" i want sweat pants and a coat" rachel said as she had a nighty on

" right" sebastian said getting her what she wanted along with some shoes

" i will go hail a cab" sebastian said and he ran out of thd apartment

it felt like ages but he was only gone a few minutes

" got a cab lets go" sebastian said helping her up off the bed and walking out of the apartment grabbing her o overnight bag as they went.

"i will call kurt and blaine and our parents once we are in thr car" sebastian said

" okay" rachel said as they went down in the elevator sebastian rubbed her back the whole time.

once they were safely in the car sebastian made the necessary phone calls rachel could hear kurt freaking out

" honestly your the one having the baby he is the one freaking out" sebastian said

once they were at the hospital they had just arrived when another contraction came thankfully  a nurse heard rachel and came out to assist they got her into a wheelchair and set off for the maternity ward sebastian had called thsm to let them know rachel was coming in.

once rachel was in a room luckly they had a private room as the nurse left and the5 waited for her doctor to come check her rachel began to panic whilst pacing the room.

" i cant do this" rachel said

" what do you mean" sebastian asked

" i cant do this i dont know what im doing" rachel said crying

" rach look at me listen to me you are a great person your going to me a fantastic mother you have read every book you could have read you have watched every video you could you have eaten everything you should have for the baby your doing brilliantly" sebastian said 

" thank you" rachel said and he cuddled her. as there was a knock on the door

" hang on" sebastian said

" im gonna lay down" rachel said

"okay" sebastian said helping do that before he went to open the door to find blaine stood there.

"hey come in" sebastian said

"oh rachy" blaine said running to her giving her a hug

"where is kurt" sebastian asked

"he is in the cafeteria trying to compose himself i told him i wont have him freaking you out" blaine said

" im freaking out anyway" rachel said

"dont worry everything is going to be fine" blaine said

" hello"  the doctor said walking in

"i will wait outside" blaine said

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