chapter eleven

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as they finished desert  the four of them made their way to the lounge of the plaza for coffee to finish they dinner off.

they sat down near the light fire and rachel saw just how bad the weather was and relised she would have to stay at the hotel.

"im gonna go look at the room" sebastian said he left as rachel sat with his mom and dad.

" so rachel how did  you like the meal" maggie asked

" it was amazing" rachel said

"well anytime you want to come back just tell sebastian you need to eat good food your eating for two"charles said

" so rachel i was thinking im in town all week and with seb been at college i wondered if you would like to join me at a day spa on thursday it will relax you in time for your scan on friday" maggie said

" that sounds lovely" rachel said

" oh look at you two bonding" charles said smilimg at his wife and rachel

the waitress brought them their coffees

" hope sebastian wont be long dont want his coffee getting cold" charles said

rachel them saw an angry looking sebastian walking quickly to the table

" dad" sebastian yelled as he reached the table

" seb sit down" charlea said

" whats going on" maggie asked looking back and forth

" the room he got us is  the honeymoon suite" sebastian said to maggie

" charles" maggie exclaimed

" what it was the only room they had left" charles said

" but dad" sebastian said

" its only a room sebastian its not a comtract that says you have to have frantic sex it because the room expects it" maggie said

" mom" sebastian said

" your blushing seb relax" maggie said

" you guys are so embarrassing" sebastian said

"look how about we switch rooms"maggie asked

" cant do that there isnt a couch in ours they would have to sleep together"charles said twiddling his thumbs rachel had the feelimg he had planned all this.

" im so sorry rachel about this rachel" sebastian said to her.

" its okay" rachel said she didnt want to sound ungreatful to his parents after all the honeymoon suite at the plaza must have set them back alot of money.

"look lets just have a nice cup of coffee it was an honest mistake i was concerned for rachel in this weather" charles said

" its only one night" rachel said

" are you sure" sebastian asked her

"its one night" rachel said

" see there sorted" charles said

once their coffees were drunk rachel and sebastian said goodnight to his parents as they stood in the lift up to their rooms.

"well rach im looking forward to thursday i want you to give her our numbers sebastian" maggie saod giving both of them a hug

" maggie we will be seeing them at breakfast" charles said

" oh yeah " maggie said with a chuckle as the lift arrived at the floor they wanted they were all on the same floor the top floor. as they all walked out of the lift.

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