chapter twenty seven

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its sunday and rachel is in the shower as she and sebastian are due to go to the loft at lunch time its a get together for the former glee club memebers plus some of the warblers will be dropping by too.

rachel wonders what santana will say when she discovers that rachel is now dating sebastian then ofcourse there will be quinn.

her relationship with quinn isnt the best they jad become friends during their senior year but when fin died it was like quinn resented her rachel knew she might be wrong but that was how it had felt to her.

as rachel stood in the shower thinking things over she felt arms wrap around her ever growing bump

" i was in the kitchen and thought what if rachel cant wash her back i simply had to come and offer you my services " sebastian said making her chuckle.

" i suppose you will want some sort of payment afterwards " rachel said turning around to face him

" ofcourse its the foundtion of a good relationship isnt it givinneach other what we want " sebastian said

" would you be willing to wait until tonight for your payment" rachel asked

"uh" sebastian pouted

" i dont want to be tired for today" rachel said

" well i guess as it was me that knocked you up i will have to accept it" sebastian said

" right then get the sponge" rachel said

two hours later they were ready to set off for the loft they headed to the subway  rachel nudged sebastian as her he couldnt stop staring at her swollen breasts.

"seb" rachel said

" what how can i not look " sebastian said still blatantly staring at them

"seb the train is here" rachel said  as the train pulled up and they boarded however there wasnt any seats

"excuse me can she have your seat" sebastian asked a young lad

"okay" the lad said so rachel sat down sebastian stood infront of her so nobody knocked her plus he could stre at her boobs again.

they arrived at the loft and they bumped into sam as they reached the elevator

" hey your looking well" sam said to rachel as sebastian put his arm around her rachel wondered if it was the jealousy thing again sebastian had been weary of sam before they started dating.

" thank you are you here with mercedes" rachel asked

" she is here already" sam said

" sam and me3cedes got back together" rachel said to sebastian

"im pleased for you" sebastian said as they reached the floor and sudd3nly the door was pulled open by santana

" your huge" santana yelled seeing her bump

" not as big as your gob" sebastian said

" she is not that big " kurt said coming past santana and pulling her into the loft

" hey rach" mercedes said hugging her before snogging sam

" so your still sticking around then" santana said to sebastian

" yes and some more warblers will be coming today" sebastian said

" great someone go get the slushies" santana said she seemed like she was joking but nobody laughed

" oh come on she is having his baby its not like their are dating" santana said then the room fell silent

" fuck me" santana said when she realised as someone knocked on the door it was quinn

" hey everyone " she said

" everything going okay" quinn asked rachel

"yeah" rachel said surprised quinn had bothered to ask

" do you know she is dating him" santana asked quinn

"i kind of figured that with him been here" quinn said as there was another knock on the door

"hello" thad and nick both said at the same time

" hey" sebastian said bro hugging them who h blaine did also

" what a rustic homely place you have" thad said

" is that a polite way of saying what a dump" puck said as he walked in

" noah " rachel said walking to him he pucked her up and hugged her

" so how is my princess doing is the rich dude treating you right" noah asked

"im fine and yes he is" rachel said

" good because he and i bonded last time i was in town and it would have been awkward to crack his nuts" noah said as he set rachel down and patted sebastian on his back.

"thanks" sebastian said

" not imposdible but awkward always remember that" noah said with a chuckle

"well hello everyone" hunter said and sil3nce filled the room...

too be continued later today

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