chapter twenty three

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its friday and rachel is twenty one weeks pregnant and its time for them to head back to the clinic to see of they can find out the gender of the baby.

rachel arrives at the clinic sebastian is meeting enr tnere as he has college but is skipping a lecture to be here as rachel is at the desk giving her name she feels arms wrap around her a d the smsll of a very expensive cologne fills the air

" hello" she said with a smile on her face

" hello" he said before leading to to the chairs in the waiting area it was then that she looked at him to see he was all sweaty he looked hot though it suited him

" what the hell has happened to you" she asked

" i ran" he said

" what from nyu" rachsl exclaimed

" its okay babe im a fast runner" he said

"rachel berry"a nurse calked so they follwed her into a room

"hello im sandra and i will be scanning you today i understand from your medical records that everything is fine with the baby its just that it wasnt clear what the sex of the baby is and you want to know is that right" she said

" yes" rachel said

" right then hop on the bed and lers see if we can find out today" sandra said

once rachel was on the bed sebastian stood behind her his eyes on the screen ready while he held both her hands  as the nurse applied the gel to her bump.

" right then are you readt rachel" samdra asked

" im ready" rachel said as sandra began to scan her the sound of the hearbeat filled the room making rachel become emotional.

" its amazing isnt it" sebastian said to her rachel nodded

" now then good new the legs are apart and i know what your having are you sure you want to know" sandra said with as smile

" yes" sebastian said

" yes im sure " rachel said

" okay then your having a boy" sandra said

" a boy" rachel exclaimed

" im gonna have a son" sebastian said

" wow"rachel said

"my god he is a big boy and all just like his daddy " sebastian said looking closer at the screen

"no thats his leg that tiny little thing there is his penis" sandra said with a grin

"honestly seb" rachel said

" what i thought he tuck after me"he said trying and failing to look innocent

once they had gotton another copy of the scan they left the hospital both excited at knowing

"shall we have lunch at a nice cafe "sebastian asked

"what about college "rachel asked

"there is no way im gonna be able to concentrate now" he said

" okay then"rachel said as he tuck her hand and lead her through the crowds

"excuse me do you mind she is pregnant you know"he yelled at a man who barged past rachel

"they went to a cafe and had something to eat before heading back to their apartment to find leroy stood outside waiting for them.

"daddy"rachel said hugging him

'hello sweetheart " leroy said

" hello sebastian "leroy said after letting rachel go

they all went inside sebastian went to make a pot of coffee while rachel went and sat down with her dad

"so sweetie how are you"leroy asked

"im great we found out the sex today"rachel said leroy beamed at her

"well dont keep me in suspense " leroy said excitedly

" we are having a boy. " rachdl said

" oh thats wonderful" leroy said

" it is im happy" rachel said

" i also couldnt help but notice that you and sebastian seemed quite close as i saw you arrive" leroy said rachel realised he didnt know they were together.

" we are dating" rachel said

" oh thats lovely your gonna be a family that truly is lovely rach" leroys said

" where is daddy" rachel asked and leroy stared at the floor as sebastian came in with the coffee

" thats why im here actually after what happened before i mean hoe he behaved he and i have had several arguments and we have both come to the decision that we would be better off apart" leroy said

" because of me"rachel said bursting into tears

" no darling things havent been right between us for a long time"leroy said

"you can stay here if you want " sebastian said

"im staying at the loft with kurt and blaine you guys dont want me here you got enough to be dealing with im in town for the week but never mind that your having a son congratulations "leroy said gettin up and hugging sebastian

" ooh he is quite nicely built isnt he sweetheart " leroy said turning back to rachel

" daddy" rachel exclaimed sebastian was embarrassed

" what if you gonna get pregnant might as well be by a good looking guy rach"leroy said making her laugh

" right well im gonna goand leave you two to do what ever you were planning on doing and i wondered if tomorrow night we could have dinner are your parwnta in town " leroy said

" my mom is my dd is on a buisness trip" sebastian said

" well i would lovw to have dinner with you two and her if she isnt busy " leroy said

" i think she will be morw than happy about it" sebastian said

" great well then i willsee you guys tomorrow " leroy said hugging rachdl a d shaking sebastian's hand before leaving.

" i cant believe they are separated "rachel said starting to cry sebastian pulled her into a hug

"it might be for the best maybe thats was why hiram was the way he was they have had a lot on their plate that we didnt know about " sebastian said

"i thought they had such a strong relationship"rachel said

" no one knows what goes on behind closed doors like what i did to you in the show of on Tuesday " he said making her giggle.

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