chapter twenty five

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three weeks later

rachel is now 27 weeks pregnant and she is at the local community health centre for her first la maze class she is waiting for sebastian who is running late as he had an examination at college that afternoon but he had text to say he was now on his way.

"hey" he said wrapping his arms around her

"how did your test go" rachel asked

"i think i did alright" sebastian said as they tuck their places rachel noticed the friend of one of the other pregnant women was eyeing sebastian.

they had decided after the class they would go to the loft and have dinner with kurt and blaine and stay over as it turned out rachel's dad leroy hit it off with sebastian's mom and was now staying at their new house innthe hamptons.

as they adrived at the loft before they went inside sebastian pulled rachel to him and kissed her deeply taking her breath away.

" what was that for" rachel asked with a smile

" just wanted to do that" sebastian said as blaine must have hered them talking as the door to the loft opened.

"hey there " blaine said

" hi" rachel said hugging him

" well hello you two" kurt said appearing next to blaine

" hey kurt" sebastian said

" well come on in" blaine said

"smells good" rachel said

" finally you have discovered a dish she can stomach the smell of" kirt said

" well my baby has good tastes" sebastian said

" you mean your unborn child is a snob" kurt said

"i was talking about rachel and ofcourse my child will think he is better than anybody ekse he is my child and with rachel and i as parents how can he not be sure of his worth" sebastian said

" well said" blaine said

" lets move on" rachel said

"okay how did the class go" blaine asked

"it went well" rachel said

" and even if i do say so myself you had the hottest partner" sebastian said

" true" rachel said kissing him

"foods ready" kurt said

" why do you do that" sebastian asked

" do what" kurt asked

"try to stop rachel and i kissing" sebastian said

" i dont" kurt said

" yes you do" rachel said

"well im sure your mistaken" kurt said

"well just sure you realise kurt we are staying over tonight and we will be sleeping in the same bed and whokniws what we might get up to" sebastian said

" this is why i bougt that white noise machine" kurt told blaine

" i thought that was to drown out us when others stayed" blaine said dishing up the food

"it is it works both ways" kurt said

they sat and ate thw lovely food that blaine had made before sitting back comfortably on the couches watching the hunger games rachel was sat snuggled up to sebastian who was gently stroking her large bump.

" so have you two got any plans this weekend" blaine asked

" yeah a meal with my parents and rachel's dads" sebastian said

" dads as in both of them" blaine asked surprised

" yeah apparently hiram spoke to leroy and told him he wanted to try to work out the issues in there marriage leroy said he would only consider it if hiram apologises to me and my parents" sebastian said

" how do you both feel about that" blaine asked

" i want everyone to get along for rachel's sake" sebastian said

" im nervous after all i havent spoken to him since the meal he ruined " rachel said

" hopefully he will be nice and it will all be okay" kurt said

" i just want rachel to have the support of both parents i want our child to know their grandparents" sebastian said before kissing rachel's forehead.

" hiram has to come round and accept it i dont particularly like you sebastian but i can see how much you love and care about rachel i could see it before you two started dating" kurt said rachel felt emotional at kurts words as he didnt compliment anyone usually.

" i never thought i would hear you say those words" sebastian said

"it was hard for me to accept but its true and for what its worth i know i dont normally say this but you two make a good couple" kurt said

" i love you" blaine said kissing kurt

" look at us we are like four idiots in love " kurt said as he snuggled up to blaineand they watched the rest of the movie.

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