chapter fifteen

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rachel and sebastian had a busy weekend seeing their friends and rachel met his auntie nora who was lovely she was so much like his mom.

now its friday and rachsl is sorting out the apartment as her dads are due any minute sebastian is stressing over meeting the two mr  berry's.

rachel is some what stressed over them meeting him too as her dads view her as a princess amd for him to have gotton her pregnant butnot marry her is a shock to them. rachel knows the baby is the result of both their actions but her dads see her as a good girl and cant get it into their head that she was drunk.

sebastian had changed his outfit three times to try to make a good impression plus kurt and blaine are coming over to see her dads too as they have been role models for kurt and blaines relationship.

then the door buzzer goes off.

" shitting hell" sebastian said as rachel goes to open the door.

" daddies" she said hugging both her dads

" my dear you look glowing" leroy said

"your bump is coming on" hiram said handing her a bouquet of flowers

" thank you" she said taking them then her dads see sebastian.

" sebastian" hiram asked

" yes its nice to meet you both" sebastian shaking both of their hands while they both stared at him.

" well good bone strutcher" leroy said

" nice eyes good jaw line" hiram said

" nice hair of hair tall too" leroy said

" yes all in all should make a cute baby" hiram said

" daddies" rachel exclaimed

sebastian was just stood there in shock he had been prepared for them to yell at him for ruining her life to question his intentions but to stand there and examine his looks he had not expected.

" what its important rachel why do you think we chose your birth mother becuase with our dna mixed with hers we knew you would be perfect" leroy said

" so sebastian your a law student" hiram said

" yes sir" sebastian said

" you went to dalton didnt you"leroy asked

" yes sir" sebastian said

"please dont call ke that makes me sound old" leroy said

" sorry"sebastian said

" you are old" hiram said

" im younger than you" leroy said

" your younger than rachel"hiram said to sebastian

" yes i was in the year below but im only four month younger than her" sebastian said

" i see" hiram said he was looking alittle acussingly at sebastian whereas leroy was smiling at him.

then the door buzzer went off again.

leroy let kurt a d blaine in.

" hey" kurt said to them all as he and blaine hugged her fathers.

" so you guys okay" blaine asked

" yes the flight was terrible  but seeing our princess more than makes up for it" hiram said

" i was actually asking rach and seb but i was gonna ask you guys straight after" blaine said

" ah yes you were always so protective of our rachy" leroy said

" he still is" rachel said

" wait a minute" hiram said suddenly

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