chapter twenty four

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rachel is twenty two weeks pregnant and she is busy in the kitchen she is cooking her dad leroy and sebastian's mom maggie are coming round for dinner as rachel is starting to feel tired her vitamin levels are down but not as bad as they were earlier on in her pregnancy so rachel didnt want to go out she didnt want the effort of getting ready cooking was less of an effort.

sebastian is currently in the shower if she wasnt watching the sauce she has made from boiling over she wou,d sneak a peek at him.

as she sorts out the plates ready for the starters sebastian comes walking out of thsir bedroom and wraps his arms around her placing his hands on her ever growing bump.

" i love you two" he said

" we love you will you set the table" rachel said

" ofcourse" he said kissing her shoulder before getting to work on the table.

few minutes later and sebastian let her dad leroy in he seemed in a good mood thouh rachel was worried about him.

" hey sweetie" he said hugging her

" hey" rachel said as maggie arrived

" hello there" maggie said greeting leroy with a hug

" and hello rachel sebastian just told me the news im gonna have a grandson" maggie siad hugging rachel

" yes its a boy" sebastian said proudly

" places everyone "rachel said ready to serve the starter od garlic mushrooms

"wow this smells delicious looks it too"leroy said

"thank you"rachel said

" so no mr smythe" leroy said

" charles is working away unfortunately " maggie said

" i see how is mr berry" maggie asked silence filled the room

" we have separated but he is in fine health" leroy said

" im sorry i didnt know" maggie said

" no its okay please dont feel bad as you must realise i wasnt to impressed with him  when you met him" leroy said rachel coyldnt help but start to cry

" hey" sebastian said rubbing her back

"rach honey i told you its not your fault " leroy said

" but you fell out over me" rachel said

" no rachel that made me realise how much he had changed since i met him" leroy said

" but i always thought you had a good marriage " rachel said

" we did and who knows we might work things out but for now atleast i need to be away from him im here for you and my grandson. rachel hiram is the one with the issue that has caused this yes i was surprised by you getting pregnant but i have accepted it maggie here as too so has mr smythe and sebastian stood by you the only one not been fair is hiram not you" leroy said

" i know he isnt been fair i was ashamed of how he behaved at dinner" rachel said

" look why dont we change the subject now that you know its a boy have you thought of any names" leroy said

" we quite like harry" sebastian said

" awe thats sweet" maggie said

" it is"leroy nodded smiling at rachel trying to help dry her tears

"so how are you settling into ypur new home"leroy asked maggie

"its lovely thank you its so peaceful "maggie said

"i thought westerville was peaceful "leroy asked

"it is but remember sebastian lived with us "maggie chuckled

"i wasnt that bad " sebastian said

"no you could have been worse i suppose anyway your gonna be raisjng a smythe boy soon yourself ive said it before and i will say it agIn they are a handful but completely worth it " maggie said

" i shall take that as a compliment "sebastian said as rachel and he served the main course

"you shouldn't have gone to all this trouble "maggie said

"I enjoyed it plus its great practise for me"rachel said

the rest of the evening wasspe t sat back talming about various subjects rachel was relaxing after getting upset earlier on.

two weeks later

rachel is now twenty four weeks pregnant and she and sebastian are walking round central park its a dry cool day and rachel wanted to stretch her legs as he back was aching.

they are walming hand in hand around the park its sunday morning its only seven in the morning hey woke up after a car crash outsife their building woke them at half past five it was only a fender bender nothing major but the drivers were yelling ateach other. after that with rachel having back pain she couldnt sleep and as she kept moving about trying to get comfy sebastian couldnt sleep  either.

sebastian got them both a coffee from a stall on the park and they carried on walking it wa a very pretty morning the sun was really starting to shine.

"  rachel" sebastian said so she stopped to look at him

" yeah" she said heleaned in and kissed her

" just wanted to do that" he said ans0d they set back off.

later that day

they went to the diner where she used to work kurt and blaine were working and blaine ended up serving them as they finished eating sebastian excused himself to the toilet only rachel caught him talking to kurt bwfore he went into the toilet.

" so everything still going okay" blaine asked as he dought he another drink

" yeah" rachel saod with a grin

" you two should come rou d to the loft one night i will cook you could stay over it would be nice" blaine said

" i will see what seb says" rachel said

" see what i say about what" sebastian asked

" blaine asked if we wnted to stay at the loft one night he will cook" rachel said

" yes but we will be in the same room" sebastian said

" i guessed that" blaine said

" i mean you might want to warn kurt" sebastian said

" i will keep him busy" blaine said with a grin on his face

"hello everyone we hve a song request now its an unusual request as its our customer himself who wishes to sing but as i know he is an alright singer i will allow it so please welcome to the stage sebastian "kurt said over the microphone. sebastian got up and walked to the stage kurt came and stood by rachel's table along with blaine.

sebastian sang havi g my baby rachel was in tears blaine was in tears kurt was dramatically wiping his tears away.

as sebastian came back to the table rachel stood up and hugged him and they had a quick kiss

"awe " blaine said

"i know we are adorable "sebastian said

"she is"kurt said

"kurt shut up ypur happy they are together "blaine said

"i know that i just dont like to see it "kurt said

" and i dont like to see you in jeggins but i put up with it"sebastian said kurt pouted and walked away

"so how about we get home and have a nice relaxing bath" sebastian said

"sounds good" rachel said

" very thing is better when we are naked" sebastian said  rachel blushed as an elderly man walked past and had clearly heard sebastian

"true"rachel said a minute later sebastian paid the billleaving both blaine and kurt a very good tip and they set off for home.

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