chapter eighteen

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rachel and sebastian slept in her bed that night it was perfeectly innocent tney only kissed and cuddled after all rachel was exausted.

the next morning when rachel woke up she felt for the first time since getting pregnant that everything was gonna be alright.

she had woken up in his arms she felt so safe and thought of how many nights when she had laid awake thinking what was gonna happenonce the baby is born or how she would cope if this or that was to happen she had longed to be in his arms to feel like she felt now.

as she laid there with no intention of moving sebastian woke up he stretched his arms before wrapping them around her again.

" morning" rachel said

" good morning"he said

"you want breakfast"she asked

"yeah im gonna need my strength today"he said with a groan

"why"rachel asked

"kurt"he said

"kurt" she said

" well yeah the guy hates me rachel how do you think he will react to us" sebastian said

" it doesnt matter how he reacts or what he thinks" rachel said

"really"sebastian said

" yes of the last few days have taught me anything its no matter who people are this is our baby mine and yours and their opinions and thoughts dont matter only ours do"rachel said he hugged her tightly knowing she was talking about her dad.

" right then i hink will take you uo on your offer so woman get in the kitchen and make me my breakfast" he said laughing as he spoke she grabbed her pillow and whacked him wih it laughing.

" make your own" rachel said

" okay but i thought you loved this apartment you know i will burn it down if i cook" sebastian said

" well you gonna have to learn if you think im cooking every night your very much mistaken" rachel said putting her dressing gown on as she giggled.

" jeez not wven sixteen hours into our relationship and im already been henpecked" he said getting up grinning at her.

"well i always thought you need to me put in your place" rachel said.

" you can put me in my place anyday infact  you can put me in any position anytime you wish" he chuckled as they went through to the living room while rachel headed to the kitchen. 


rachel had text blaine to say he and kurt could come round to theirs for lunch after all kurt was gonna find out eventually plus sebastian had told rachel how he had spoken to blaine and rachel didnt like blaine knowing something when kurt didnt she dint think it was right to put blaine in that position.

so as it got to lunch time the buzzer went off and sebastian went to open the door and after an encouraging smile from rachel he let them in.

" hi" he said to them blaine walked in first followed by kurt

" hey"blaine said smiling at her rachel couldnt hwlp but smile back and as blaine made his way over to her and hugged kurt was looking at them confused.

" whats going on" kurt asked

" rachel and i are dating" sebastian said from behind kurt  his eyes went wide he looked at rachel for a moment before turning to look at sebastian.

" well its about time" kurt said

"wait your not mad" sebastian asked

" at first i might have been up honestly its been obvious that it was gonna happen for a few weeks now" kurt said

" really" rachel asked

" yes its gonna take some getting used to but it clear that you two have been working towards something plus its better for the baby" kurt said and he hugged rachel who couldnt help but get alittle emotional.

author notice

i know this chapter is short but the next will be longer.

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