chapter ten

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the next morning rachel is getting dressed as she hears the doorbell ring she knows sebastian is in the living room so she finishes getting ready before heading into the living room. she had been avoiding sebastian after their kiss last night well it was more to do with him almost running to his room afterwards that made her want to avoid him.

" hey doll face" sam said clearly it was him who was at the door sebestian was making breakfast in the kitchen though there was a serving hatch and rachel couldnt help,but notice sebastian kept looking at sam.

" hey" rachel replied to sam

" so i wondered if you would consider showing this country boy around the big apple" sam asked

" oh well i have plans for dinner and i dont want to be to tired for it so how about a quick tour and another day we could do more"rachel said

"sounds good"sam said

"your breakfast ready"sebastian said

"can we go after i am hungry"rachel said

"sure"sam said sebastian brought through his and her breakfast plates.

the three of them sat at the table

"so what are your plans tonight"sam asked rachel

"dinner with my parents"sebastian answered

"i see"sam said

they made general chit chat while they ate then rachel left wih sam

" so i thought maybe we could do times square today" rachel said

" sounds good" sam said

" like i said i want energy for tonight" rachel said

" so is he treating you alright" sam asked

" yeah" rachel said

they headed to the subway and sam was the perfect gentleman and stopped people from knocking her and he made a guy give her his seat.

once at times square rachel watched sam as he stood in awe of everything he was taking it all in they got a coffee and sat on the famous red steps drinking it.

"so how is the modeling going"rachel asked him

"i have a meeting on monday regarding a mens underwear shoot"sam said

"oh sam thats great"rachel said hugging him

"well i havent got it yet"sam said smiling at her.

" so how you feeling now" sam asked her

" better than i was" rachel said

" you and he getting on better" he asked

" yeah i think he is excited about been a dad" rachel said

" good im glad he is involved" sam said

" i met his mom last night she is lovely so im neeting his dad tonight" rachel said

" that must be awkward given the situation" sam said

" well his mom seems excited and said hos dad feels the same way maybe its because they are wealthy they dont have the worries of most people i dont know but they have been very supportive they have increased his allowance so i dont have to work" rachel said

"thats nice especially given you havent been well"sam said

once their coffess were finished they ended back sam walked her to the building of her and sebastians apartment before heading back to the loft a rachel headed up to the apartment.

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