chapter twenty two

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as the party started rachel was feeling quite self consious of her bump but sebatian kept telling her she was the most beautiful woman in the room and while rachel found that hard to believe she was probably one of the only women who hadnt had surgery look the way they looked.

" there you are my dears. oms with me" maggie said taking rachel's hand ans leading her through the crowd of guests to a lady who looked like she could be maggie's twin.

" this is my sister nora, nora this is rachel that i have been telling you about" maggie said

"hello dear its lovely to finailly meet you maggie hasnt shut up about you  and good for you seb landing a nice girl" nora said hugging sebastian

" thanks aunt nora" sebastian said

" hello nora dear" charles said arriving next to maggie

"charles"nora said hugging him

"i see you have met our rachel"chatles said rachel felt emotional at him calling her that.

"now how about we introcude to the gang" maggie said leading rachel and sebastian off again rachel briefly
saw kurt and blaine in the crowd.

"ah this is charles brother martin and his wife anita" maggie said

"hello"rachel said to anita while sebastian and martin hugged

"so when is the big day"anita asked she had a warm friendly face

"actually we arent currently planning to get married " sebastian said

"oh i see"anita sid with a giggle

"well i would be nice to have a family lu ch one day while we are in town" martin said

" oh yes she will arrange that" maggie said

maggie was called away to discuss something to do with the catering so rachel and sebastian spotted kurt a d blaine at a table in large tent in the garden and went to join them.

" so meeting the family i see" kurt said

" yeah" rachel said

" im gonna get a drink you want an iced tea" sebastian asked

" yes please" rachel said

"i will come with you" kurt said as he and sebastian walked off blaine shuffled up to rachel

" so you alright"blaine asked her

"yeah i cant stop thinking about my dads"rachel admitted

"to a shame hopefully hiram will come round"blaine said squeezing her had.


as rachel sat with seb and klaine sebastian's parents  ame and sat with them along with nora and martin and anita it was now time for the food it all looked gorgeous however one mouthfull of the salmon mouuse starter and rachel had tl rush to the loo.

as she was in the toliet she freshened up and left to find sebastian stood waiting for her

" you alright you want to go lay down"he asked

" no it was the food you know what im like at time with food im alright honestly but i willask you to move my plate before i sit down"rachel said as he led her back to the table while holding her hand rachel caught his moms face she looked happy.

"i was the same when i had our charlotte"anita said

"i wasnt too bad having sebastian he was more trouble after birth"maggie said making them laugh

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