chapter seven

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rachel having finished speaking to the doctor on the phone rang sebastian as she packed an over night bag she couldnt hold her nerves she burst into tears as soon as sebastian answered the phone.

sebastian: hey rach

rach: sebastian the doctor just called i have to go into hospital

sebastian: did he say what was wrong

rach: no he said i have to go on a drip he said it wasnt anything to worry about but i think that was to stop me from getting worried if it wasnt anything then  i wouldnt be going in would i

sebastian: im coming to get you wait at the loft okay

the call ended rachel was about to ring blaine when noah walked in

"rach whats wrong" noah asked he pulled her into a big hug  rachel told him everything. he kept hugging her until sebastian arrived.

" right i got a cab waiting"sebastian said as rachel stepped away from noah to get her overnight bag

" i will take it to the cab"noah said

"rach"sebastian said as rachel was just stood there.

" i...i..i" rachel stammered while shaking

"come here"he said pulling her into a hug rachel almost collapsed in his arms she was so frightened

"listen to me whatever it is we will deal with it i have rung kurt and blaine they are going to the hospital its gonna be okay" he saod still holding her before taking her hand and leading her out of the loft and down to the cab where noah was stood. he opened the door for her and she climbed in sebastian said something to nah which she couldnt hear but then sebastian got in the cab next to here while noah got in the front with the cab driver.

once at the hospitalthey went inside kurt and blaine ran to her and hugged her as did sam who had just arrived.

sebastian went to inform them that she was here and in no time a nirse was to her and led her thrugh to her room.

only sebastian came with her into the room and as soon as she was changed into the hospital gown the doctor walked in.

" hello miss berry as i told you over he phone you require a drip. your suffering from an enemia and are lacking in several vitamins we need to get the levels up now hopefully a 12 hour drip over night will do the trick i know i gave you some vitamins but i think we need to take more action which is why you will be given a drip containing a much stronger dose of them plus due to the enemia i think you could use some blood so we will hook you up with a small bag of blood. " doctor wilson said

" and the baby" rachel asked

" im gonna scan you butni think the baby is okay its more how your body is adjusting that has caused this" he said

rachel got on the bed and dr wilson proceeded to scan her the sound of he heartbeat filled the room

" well everything looks good on the baby front"the doctor said

"and will rachel be okay" sebastian asked

" yes but i must warn you given your only eight weeks and having trouble you might be instore for a difficult pregnancy i might be wrong hopefully its a one off but i think we should keep a close eye on you"dr wilson said

"as long as the baby is fine"rachel said

"have you thought about what we talked about cutting yout hours back" he asked

" sebastian is supporting me im not working anymore" rachel said

" good your gonna need a lot of rest now i said overnight but it will depend how your body responds to the drip you might be in here a few days"dr wilson said

"thank you"sebastian said to him

"i will get the nurse to sort the drips out" the doctor said before leaving

" i knew you werent right"sebastian said

" i thought it was just morning sickness" rachel said

" its because your stubborn" sebastian said rachel frowned at him

" im not insulting youmi mean your strong you dont give in you will have hought you could get through it' sebastian said " for what its worth im glad your like that"

the nurse came in and hooked up the drip and the bag of blood while sebastian went to go tell kurt and blaine what was going on which meant they came hurtling into her room followed by noah and sam.

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