chapter twenty

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two weeks later rachel is now 16 weeks pregnant and its the day they are moving thankfully they are only moving a few floor down so its not that difficult and plus sam noah blaine are helping kurt thinks he is but he isnt plus sebastian as roped in some of his friends including a few former warblers including hunter thad and nick

sebastian is refusing to let her help and keeps making sure she isnt doing anything other than sitting back reading what to expect when your expecting.

its a long day and despite not doing much its taken its toll on rachel because they have moved apartmemts but remained in the same building its is all done in a day. though this apartment is bigger so they need to buy things for it.

as sebastian finished putting the last box down he looks around the apartment ans smiles at her walks over tl jer and helps her up of the couch.

" come with me" he siad leading throught the apartment to the third bedroom he opened the door and they walked in

" just think his is where our baby is gonna sleep" he said wrapping his arms round her as he did the baby kicked for the very first time.

" oh wow" rachel said

" think they know we ard in their room" sebastian said

" it felt like it" rachel said

" come on" he said leading her out of the room and too the bathroom

" you have a bath relax when your ready lwt me no i will order pizza" he said

rachel did just that had a nice relaxing bath but she had to give in and gwt out becuase she was nodding off and she didnt want to do that.

after they had eaten the pizza as it had been a log day they both decided to go to bed and unlike their lrevious apartment where they would take turns sleeping in esch others rooms they had decided to pick one of the two large bedrooms as their room.

as they were cuddled up in bed making out they began to get lost in it and it became heated and they had sex for the first time as a couple.

as rachel laid there in his arms he was fast asleep she felt so peaceful and relaxed and content laid there how things change she thought. they were in love and having a baby and she wouldnt change any of it she thought as she drifted off to sleep.

the next morning rachel was woken up by the baby kicking again as she laid there watching her growing bump as the baby was kicking sebastian had woken up and placed his hand on her tummy feeling their unborn baby moving.

" its amazing"he said

"its so weird"rachel said

as they remained cuddled up on bed there heared what sounded like someone knocking on the door

" leave them" sebastian said kissing her again clearly wanted more of what he had last night a s rachel was all for it until her cell phone started to ring.

rach: hello

kurt: hey rach let us in we brought breakfast

rach: hang on just a few minutes

kurt: oh god what are you doing

rach: we just woke up.

kurt: okay

the call ended sebastian had heared kurt on the phone and was now grabbing soms trousers and getting dressed rachel sat ulpp and put her nighty on and then grabbed her dressing gown.

sebastian left the bedroom to let them in and after going to the loo rachel made her way to the living room then throught to the kitchen.

" morning" blaine said with a smile kurt was smiling at her too

" morning" rachel said going to grab a muffin

" so how was your first night in this place"kurt said

"very good"sebastian said as he stirred his coffee that they had brought with them

"good"blaine said

"i knew you would be lazy" kurt said to sebastian

" what are you talking about" sebastian asked him

" well i can tell by your hair your were on the bottom honestly all that no rachel sont lift anything and no rachel leave that i will sort it you wanted her to keep her enegy full so she could take  are of you" kurt said

" kurt" rachel said blushing

" we took turns if you must know" sebastian said

" i so didnt need to know that she is like my sister" blaine said they all laughed

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