chapter twenty one

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its five weeks later rachel is twenty one weeks pregnant its saturday night and rachel sebastian blaine and kurt are all heading to sebastian's parents new house innthe hamptons. they are having a house warming party plus they want the rest of the family to meet rachel.

rachel had her twenty week scan last week everything was fine however the baby had his or her legs crossed so it was impossible to tell the sex so rachel is going back next week for another scan as both she and Sebastian want to know the gender.

as they arrive at the house it is peaceful they have arrived at lunchtime so that they can get settled as the four of them are staying over. sebastian insists on dealing with rachel's case which is quite heavy due to the fact her bump has grown rapidly over the last few weeks so she has brought a selection of outfits for tonight.

as they reach the front door maggie opens it and almost runs towards rachel and hugs her.

"hello son here " sebastian said jokingly

"and hello to you"maggie said hugging him before welcoming blaine and kurt before taking rachel'shand and leading her into the house.

"well everyone is excited to meet you"maggie told rachel

"hello there" charles said walking to them he hugged sebastian then kissed rachel's cheek before shaking blaine and kurt's hand.

"right let me show you to your room let you get settled then come have some lunch in the garden"maggie said leading them to their rooms.

"i knew your family had money but i never knew they were this rich" kurt said to sebastian as his mom left them by the doors of their rooms

"well its because im not remotely snobby " sebastian said they all laughed and went into their rooms.

as rachel started to unpack sebastian put his arms round her and kissed her neck

"nooner"he whispered directly into her ear

"i dont have the energy i have to save it for to night"rachel said

"ooh"sebastian said with a grin

"the party you sex mad snob"rachel said  thdy had started calling each other nicknames he called her affectionately babe princess pumpkin then jokingly diva and miss bossy she affectionately called him my love and jokingly she called him snob and occasionally meerkat.

the fact was now they were so relaxed and comfortable with each other they could say anything to each other and knew it would be taken the right way.

once rachel had chsnged in to a comfy tracksuit with was pink and he had cganged his tshirt they headed down stairs and through to the garden.

the garden was stunning it was sectioned into parts the main part directly putside the house was large it had a pool with a decking area a stone built bbq grill. a lovely pond full of fish and several large tables which had been placed there for the party. they walked over yo the table his parents were sat at blaine and kurt weren't there yet.

"hello"charles said smiling at them both as they sat down.

"so i here the baby is of a dignified nature keeping their legs closed"charkes added with a chuckle

"gets that from me " sebastian said as he poured rachel and himself a glass of ice tea.

"yeah im sure"maggie said

"well it all had to the suspense"charles said as kurt and blaine arrived

"sorry we got lodtvyour home is gorgeous "blaine said

"thank you charles still gets lost"maggiecsaid with a laugh

"i had to phone her cell for her to come find me i was trying to find the kitchen i ended up in the living room thrnnthe dining room then a bathroom"charles said

"now i have made some salmon sandwiches"maggie said lifting the lid off a container.

they sat for around an hour chatting in the garden before both rachel and maggie went upstairs to start getting ready.

rachel had a shower and as she walked from the ensuite into the bedrrom she saw sebastian laid on the bed

"you look great in thst towel you should wear that tonight " sebastian said

" thank you and i think my bump has gotten even bigger if my dresses don't fit i might just have to wear this"rachel said

"i would be cool with that'he said rachel giggled

she set about doing her hair and make up while he got ready rachel had to redo her mascara as he was busy watching him topless in the mirror while he chose which of the three shirts he had brought to wear that she smudged it.

"right im gonna try a dress on will you give me your honest opinion and i mean it if i look like a melon tell me"rachel said to him

"okay"he said rachel put on a crean dress.

"zip me"rachel told him he started but the zipper wouldnt budge

"it wont do it will it"rachel asked

"no"he said

next she tried on a purple dress

"want me to zip you up"he asked rachel nodded this dress would zip but she hated the way she looked in it

"i cant wear this"rachel said almost ripping the dress off

"rachel come here listen to me no one is gonna think you look bad your beautiful your glowing that is all anyone is gonna say"he said cuddling her

"final dress if not im wearing the towel"she said

the third dress was a black dress and it must be true about black been slimming and flattering because as sebastian zipped it up rachel actually liked the dress.

"im guessing this means the towel is out"he said

"yeah though i could wear it later'rachel said as she straightened his tie

"well i might have to make up an excuse for us to leave the party early " sebastian said

"im pregnant thats the excuse"rachel said as they got ready to head down stairs to the party.

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