chapter nineteen

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its friday and rachel and sebastian are at home his mom maggie is coming round for dinner rachel is now 14 weeks pregnant and has a noticable bump.

as sebastian cant cook his they are ordering taje out when maggie gets there as rachel is tired it had been a lovely yet bust week for them.

they had viewed the apartment his father had mentioned and had come tomthe agreement that it was more suitable to their needs than this one wasso they were planning to move in two weeks after the offer his father had placed was accepted.

despite living together and now dating they hadnt done anything other than kissing and cuddling due to rachel been tired plus they didnt want to rush their relationship there was more at stake than just the two of them.

as maggie arrived she had a huge grin on her face and hugged sebastian after he let her in sebastian had told her about him and rachel and itvwas fair to say his parents were over the moon. rachel hadnt told her dads yet though sge wanted to tell leroy he would tell hiram and she didnt want him causing more trouble.

"im so pleased for you seb"maggie said as she finally let go of him

"im pleased for me too" sebastian said

" and rachel come here" maggie said hugging her.

"its good to see you again" rachel said

"its good to see you especially as your looking healthy"maggie said

" shall i go for the food "sebastian said

"yes we can have girl time"maggie said excited as sebastian knew what rachel got and his mom got from the chinese take out  he headed off leaving them in the apartment.

"so has he been treating you well"maggie asked

"yes very well"rachel said with a smile

" im gonna teach him to cook"maggie said

"would you mind teaching me"rachel asked

"ofcourse not dear" maggie said

" so charles working"rachel asked

"he is sorting the sale of our westerville house out we have had an offer accepted on that house in the hamptons"maggie said

"thats great news"rachel said

"i get the keys in the morning i was wondering if you and sebastian wanted to come up with me stay over night"maggie asked

"well we dont have any plans"rachel said maggie was smiling at her

"do you have any idea how happy you have made me rachel im do pleased he got up the courage to tell you" maggie said

" me too" rachel said

" it must make you feel better to know that he loved you when you got pregnant"mggie said

rachel was sat speechless he hadnt told her that she assumed his feelings were like hers that they developed while she was pregnant.

"you didnt know that did you"maggie asked given rachels silence

"no"rachel finally managed to say

"well he will tell you eventually im sure bet he didnt want to overwhelm you but the reason charles and i were so supportive and wanted to meet you so much was becuse we knew he was in love with you but he thought you still saw him as the idiot he was in high school charles and i hoped that  by meeting us you would realise we arent the snobby stuck up types and that he wasnt raised to be arrogant that it as just a faze he went through. we hoped you would see what kind of parents he had to imagine what kind of parent he would be. "maggie said

"it worked" rachel said and maggie smiled as sebastian returned with the food

"let me guess you have been talking about me"sebastian said

"maybe it wasnt just a faze"maggie chuckled rachel laughed sebastian looked back and forth between them.

sunday night

they had gone with maggie to the house in the hamptons it was. stunning house maggie insisted on giving sebastian a key so he and rachel could go as often as they wished.

charles was due back on tuesday as their home in the most exclusive part of westerville had already found a buyer.

now its sunday nigt and rachel and sebastian have just arrived back at their apartment after returning from the hamptons.

sebastian ordered a pizza while they were still a block away in hope it would get here sooner as they were both hungry.

" you mom is lovely i hope our baby thinks that way about me" rachel said as they sat on the couch while he rubbed the bottom of her back while they waited for their pizza

" he or she will do" he told her kissing he back of her neck

" you really think so i havent always been the best of thinking of others" rachel said

" you do know who your talking to dont you" sebastian said with a chuckle

" this baby is lucky niether of us give up or give in" rachel said

"exactly i know when people find out we are together they might think it weird but when you really think about it you and i we arwnt that different really" he said

" yeah but i never tried to blind anyone" rachel said

" true but then again i never sent a girl toa crack house to prevent her getting my solo" sebastian said

" you know about that" rachel asked

" yes it was the talk of dalton for a week" he said

" damn kurt" rachel said assuming he had told blaine about it

" actaully it wasnt kurt my dad was the lawyer who vocal adreneline appointef to deal with sunshine and her moms green cards" sebastian said

" oh my wait a minute so if your dad knew and he told you that means you told the rest of dalton" rachel said turning round shocked at him.

" babe dont me mad  told them because i was proud of you they never thought you possible but i knew you had it in you to be callous i. ould tell the first time i saw you i recognised the look in you r eye when mercedes was singing at the lima bean charity drive you were trying to act like a supportive friend but i saw it the look of why s0is she singing when im here. i know tht look i do that look."he said

then the pizza arrived sebastisn brought it over to her a d they sat and started eating.

" you really saw that look within me" rachel asked

" yes becuase i was thinking the same thing it was singing event we had rachel berry yet she wasnt on the stage i was like what the hell" he said

" we might both be driven and stubborn but it comes feom different reasons though" rachel said

"how do you mean" sebastian said

" well your way was go get whatever you wanted whereas my reason was because i had a plan and i wasnt gonna let anyone spoil that" rachel said

" i see" sebastian said in away that said its the same rachel looled at him before grapping a slice of pizza.

after they atw they went to bed and spent a long time kissing before falling asleep cuddled up like they had ever night since they got together.

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