chaptet twenty six

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its saturday evening rachel is now twenty eight weeks pregnant and she and sebastian are on their way in a can to have a meal with his parents and her dads plus kurt and blaine are joining them.

" your quite are you nervous" sebastian asked

" yeah" rachel said

" its alright i know its hard but dont get stressed" sebastian said

"i will try cant make any promises" rachel said sebastian tuck her hand and gave it a squeeze as the cab pulled up outside the restaurant.

" here we are" sebastian said he had gotton out and walked round to open the door for her.

" i cant wait to be home in my pjs in bed cuddled up" rachel said  as sebastian paid the driver

" i cant wait either though i hope the wearing pjamas thing was optional " sebastian said kissing her before they entered the restaurant thwy spotted his mom and dad and headed to the table they saw that kurt and blaine were already there.

" hey" rachel said sitting down next to blaine with sebastian next to her other side he was next to his mom.

" still glowing" charles said

" still growing more like" rachel laughed as she saw leroy arrive with hiram she felt all tense she placed her hands on her lap and both sebastian and blaine each tuck one of her hands.

" hello there" leroy said enthusiastically as he sat down next to charles hiram sat next to kurt.

" so i cant wait to try the food here" kurt said as they had all fallen silent

" well why dont we see what we want and then order" charles said with a chuckle rachel could tell he was trying to make an effort but knew he was angry at hiram.

they all sat engrossed in the menu it was only after they had orxered that they started looking at each other.

"so how was your flight" sebastian asked hiramwho was surprised sebastian was talking to him

" it was good i had a window seat and plently of room" hiram said

" good" sebastian said

" how are you rachel " hiram asked

" im alright" rachel asked

" i hear your having a boy thats nice " hiram said

"yeah" rachel said

" twenty eight weeks its past quickly" maggie said

" it has" charles nodded

" it only feels two minutes ago we walked in to find them both stood there with the trsts in their hands' kurt said

" you were there when she tuck the tests" hiram asked

" yeah he was and he went with me to get them" rachel said

" thats nice" hiram said

" you are a where that they are now dating" charles said

"yes leroy told me " hiram said as their starters arrived.

" have you guys thought of any names" leroy asked

" yes actually we like harry" rachel said

" like uncle harry" maggie said

" yes" sebastian said

" thats lovely" charles said

"harry berry does have a ring to it " hiram said

" you mean harry smythe" charles said

"of course " hiram said

" it makes sense for the baby to have our name" charles said

" i thought people who have babies when they arwnt married often double barrell the baby's surname " hiram said

" yes they do somethimes do that but naturally with them now dating its likely in time rachel will have our name too" charles said

" no pressure " maggie said beaming at sebastian

" not how it feels" sebastian said so only rachel and his mom could hear

"i hear you have moved into a new apartment " hiram asked

" yes we was going to move down the street but then one was put up for sale in our block its bigger" sebastian said

" good that will be easier for you" hiram said

" and the baby gets his own room" kurt said

" good" hiram said

" so how long are you in town" charles asked

"five days" hiram said

" do you have any plans for while your here" maggie asked

" we are going to a club recommended by blaine one night" leroy said

" sounds fun" maggie said

" wht are your plans tomorrow "hiram asked rachel

" some friends from school are coming to see us " rachel said

"from mckinley" blaine said

"and dalton hunter thad and nick are coming too" sebastian said

" hunter isnt he the one who made you use steroids " hiram asked

" yes thats him" kurt said

" he has grown up since then" sebastian said

" thats right and he isnt the only warbler that has changed" kurt said

" thats true" blaine added making rachel smile

"im so jealous that you guts got to attend an all boys school" leroy said making them all laugh

the rest of the meal was spent chatting they all started to relax and hiram started to look like he wasnt judging them.

while rachel was exhausted she felt happy that the arguing was over she was pleased that sebastian had made the effort to talk to hiram even though he knew he might have been snubbed or insulted as rachel stood in their bedroom getting ready she looked and saw sebastian facing away from her while he got undressed. he really does love me she thought to herself she knew he did but i felt even more true now she couldnt help but smile as she watched him.

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