chapter fourteen

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as rachel and sebastian just got off the subway they are on their way to an italian resturant for dinner with his parents as his father is leaving tomorrow.

as they reach the street level and begin walking its starts to rain which quickly turns heavy and sebastian takes off his blazer of his suit and puts it round rachel's shoulders ghey share a smile before carrying on walking to the resturant.

as they are just walking to to the door a cab pulls up and his parents get out and walk over to them and hug them both and the four of them walk in.

" table for smythe" charles said to the waiter

" right this way sir" the waiter says

they followed him to the table charles pulled out maggie's chair then gave sebastian a look so he did the same for rachel.

" so you got caught in the rain i take it" maggie said taking in the sight of sebastians not quitw soaking shirt thsn noticed his blazer over rachel's shoulder she smiled at her son.

" so first things first the scan how did it go" charles asked

" great everything is fine i brought the picture" sebastian sais handing the photo to his mom

" oh charles" maggie said showing charles

the waiter took their drink orders

" so we have some things we would really like to discuss with you both" charles said

" okay" sebastian said

" firstly we have heared of a house up in the hamptons that we think suites our needs we plan to go see it next week when im back town. secondly as we ere looking at the photos of the house we saw an apartment its only two blocks from where your living now but its on the third floor and its three bedroomed and we thought it might be perfect for you two then the baby can have his or her own room when they are old enough its very open plan" charles said

" you mean buy us an apartment" sebastian saod as their drinks came

" sorry we havent looked at the menu yet" maghie told the waiter

" well yeah your studying law im moving here the firm is gonna be based hear i figured after you complete your studies you woupd work with me and ofcourse rachel will no doubt be on broadway again in time"charles said

" i dont know what to say" sebastian said

" well view the place first make sure its what you both want" maggie said

hey then looked at the  menu and ordered their food.

" so rachel when do your dads arrive" maggie asked

" next thursday" rachel said

" how do they feel about the pregnancy" charles asked

" they were shocked though not as much s i was but they are supportive" rachel said

" so they are not gonna kill sebastian for doing this to you then thats good to know" maggie said laughing

" dont im dreading it she is their princess" sebastian said

" yeah but your doing right by her nd the baby plus i will inform the cops if you go missing" charles said

" thanks"sebastian said

their startes arrived

"so do you two have any plans for the weekend"maggie asked

" im going to see a friend with my friends tomorrow" rachel said

" and im off to watch a ice hockey game" sebastian said

" okay what about sunday" maggie asked

" im having a barbra day with kurt and blaine" rachel said

" and im gonna go see hunter" sebastian said

" i see" maggie said she seemed disapointed.

" what about you do you have any plans" rachel asked her

" i am having lunch with my sister on sunday i was hoping you would join us" maggie asked

" i will be back from seeing hunter at six could we not have dinner with nora instead"sebastian asked

"i suupose i could call and ask"maggie said

"dinner would work for me barbra day usually ends at four" rachel said

" well then i will ring her when we get back to the hotel and find out and let you know she wants to meet you she will adore you im sure as we three do" maggie said

then their main courses arrived.

" you dont have an siblings do you rachel" charles asked

" no" rachel said

" i have six sisters" maggie said

" wow" rachel said

" my parents were very much in love" maggie said.

"awe" rachel said

"im the second eldest nora who hopefully you will be meeting is the eldest but dont tell her i told you that"maggie said

"i have a brother and a sister my brother martin works at the firm and my sister is a.."charles was saying

"a bitch"maghie said achel was stunned

"wait till you meet her tyical spoilt brat"charles said

"i look forward to it"rachel said

"its funny how my mom called her penny and all she wants is money"charles chuckled.

once the meal was done and thry had said their goodbyes rachel and sebastian tuck a cab back home as it was raining.

"good job the resturant wasnt a hotel otherwise my dad would have made good use of the rain"sebastian said once they were home.

"yeah"rachel chuckled

"so who is this friend you going to see tomorrow"sebastian asked

"mercedes"rachel said checking their answering machine

"will sam be going"sebastian asked rachel wondered what his issue with sam was but they were getting on so she didnt want to question him about it.

"yes actualoy he is the reason we are going"rachel said

"really why"sebastian asked

"well he and mercedes dated last year and i know mercedes still has feelings for him so we are hoping that they might put their issues aside"rachel said

"so your not bothered about him dating anyone "sebastian asked

"why would sam dating someone bother me"rachel said

"no reason"sebadtian said before walking into his room leving rachel thinking things over.

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