chapter six

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its monday and rachel is working at the diner sebastian has managed to fet her into see dr wilson this evening rachel is feeling very tired today the diner has been quite busy all day.

at two oclock she got a boost when sam and noah arrived  she served them while having a laugh.

"so how is the mommy to be feeling"noah said

"im fine"she said

"rach"he said

"i am im pregnant not poorly"rachel said

"well we are here for you "sam said

"its weird how you both turned up when i needed you the most"rachel said

"kurt rang me said you were preggo and that i might need to beat the crap out of the guy who did this to you"noah said.

"i cant believe him"rachel said

shortly after both sam and noah left the diner and rachel continued to work until four oclock when she finished and headed out of the door she was on her way to meet sebastian who she was meeting at the subway station so she walked quickly to the nearest subway and lucked out that a train was in she got on and two stops later she was at the station she was meeting sebastian at.

once off the train rachel was looking round for him but didnt see him she was about to take her cell phoneniut to see if he was running late.

" hey" he said behind her making her jump

" oops sorry" he said with a chuckle

" its okay i was kinda in a world of my own anyway" rachel said

" right then shall we" sebastian said rachel nodded and they set off

as they wwre walking rachel started to feel light headed and had to stop

" rach" sebastian said

" im gonna be sick" rachel said darting for the nearest bin

" this ia why you need to see him" sebastian said omce they set back off ten minutes later they were at the doctors office and sat waiting a heavily pregnant woman was sat opposit them.

" so having your first" the woman asked them

" yeah" sebastian said

" thats nice" the woman said

" is it your first" rachel asked the woman

" fourth" the woman said proudly

" wow" rachel said

" so have you guys been married long" the woman asked

" we arent married" sebastian said

" oh i see" the woman said

" rachel berry" the doctor called

"thats me"rachel said to the woman who nodded.

they went inside the room and sat down

" so allow me to introduce myself im dr wilson" the doctor said before shaking both their hands

" so i hear your not feeling very well is that right" the doctor asked rachel

" yeah i have morning sickness" rachel said

" its not just that she looks dreadful at times "sebastian said rachel glared at him

" im not insulting you rachel its just you look so pale that your almost grey at times" sebastian said

" well then lets take some blood and i need a urine sample and also lets check your stats.

once the tests were done

" right your blood pressure is slightly raised but nothing to be concerned about but we will check you again same time  next week. the blood test will be back within forty eight hours and your urine sample is normal" the doctor said

" great" rachel said

" and now about your morning sickness im proscribeing some vitamins i also recomend getting as much rest as you can also try eating saltines some women say sucking on lollies help too. " the doctor said

" right" rachel said

" what sort of work do you do" the doctor asked

" im a waitress" rachel said

" and your hours" the doctor askes

" that changes ever week" rachel said

" well is there any way you could cut back on your hours" the doctor askes

"no i need the money"rachel said

" right then here is your proscription and i will be in touch regarding ypur blood results and see you next week"the doctor said

as they exited the building

" can we get a coffee i want to talk to you" sebastian said rachel nodded they set off to a near by coffee shop once they had their coffees they sat down at a table.

"right then rachel i recieve a very sizable allowance from my parents and i want you to eother quit your job or reduce your hours like the doctor said i can give you money co sider it as my support during the pregnancy. after all i know the father has to pay once the baby is here but if your suffering becuase of the pregnancy i feel obligated to help" sebastian said

" i cant take your money" rachel said

"rachel im worried you dont look right to me and i am worried for the health of my baby. rachel let me do this i can cover your rent and utilites and give you money you could stop working"sebastian said

" if i stop working i might not have a job to go back to once the baby is born" rachel said

" but you will be a full time mother then wont you"sebastian said

"i cant be a stay at home mom" rachel said

" why not"-sebastian said

"look you dont understand you have money i dont"rachel said

" yes i know that which is why i can support you"sebastian said

"but why would you"rachel said

"what are you serious rachel your having my baby the best thing for my baby is having his or her mommy around i am more than happy to do that. its my job as the father to make sure their have every thing they need naturally you relise that baby your carrying is no ordinary baby its a smythe which means the best education infact the best of everything my parents know about the baby and have upped my allowance to include you and the baby. " sebastian said

" i dont know what to say" rachel said

" i realise i havent been exactly supportive that is due to partly not knowing if you would welcome it or think me intruding and then ofcourse there is kurt i didnt want to get into a fight everytimd i was at the loft" sebastian said

" i see well thank you" rachel said thruth was she didnt know what to say

" so does that mean you will accept my help"he asked

" yes" rachel said

" so your gonna quit" he asked

" okay" rachel said


as rachel was sorting out her laundry her mobile rang

" hello am i speaking to rachel berry" the voice said

" yes who is this" rachel reiled

" oh good rachel its dr wilson your blood results are back rachel i need you to come to the clinic and bring an over night bag its nothing to worry about  but you need to be on a drip"the doctor said rachel felt sick and it wasnt to do with morning sickness.

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