chapter five

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the next morning as rqchel was sat eating her breakfast she heared sam asking blaine to let sebastian know that he had found some of his things which he must have forgotton. as she sat there eating she also heard blaine say he had text sebastian and he as gonna call round this morning for them.

rachel got up and went to shower and dress she had made her mind up to be out when he arrived after last night she didnt wantvto be part of or witness another word exchange she felt like shit today she had been up three times during the night been sick.

as rachel put her coaton and was heading towards the door someone knocked on it she slowly opened the doir and there he was.

"morning'he said to her as he walked in

"morning"she said back

"you dont look well"he said to her

"im not feeling well"rachel admitted

"do you wanna see the doctor"he asked rachsl might have been wrong but he looked concerned

" its morning sickness but im gonna go get some fresh air"rachel said he nodded and she tuck that as her chance to leave.

rachel decided central park was perfect to pass a few hours though she doubted it would take sebastian that long to get his things she also wanted to get away from kurt. while she was thankfull tomkurt for his support him having a go at sebastian all the ti e had to stopshe wouldnt have that affecting her childs relationship with his or her father.

after two hpurs ofvwalking around the stunning park rachel was tired so she headed back as she walked in she was surpirsed by three things firstly sebastian was still there secondly he and sam were laughing together and the third reason was why they were laughing which because noah puckerman was singing a funny song while strumming  his guitar.

"noah" rachel said

" hey princess" noah said picking her up and twirling around which was nice but made her feel sick and she ran to the bathroom.

once she was finished and had cleaned herself up she went back out to the others and as she did noah came over to her.

"so my little jew is pregnant so tell me who is the lucky jew who has gotton in your pants" noah said

" that would be me" sebastian said

" your jewish" noah asked him

"no but im the father"sebastian said

"oh well rach i dont know what to say i guess if its not a hot jewvthenna rich guy is the second best"noah said before giving her a big hug. which made rachel feel emotional after all it had been so long since she was held like that yes kurt and blaine hugged but it wasnt the same as havjng a big strapping man holding making her feel so safe.

"shall i get lunch ready"blaine asked

"sounds good" sam said

rachel felt like she was dreaming they were all getting along and noah and sebastian even had a bit of banter between them as they sat eating and sam seemed to get on with sebastian too. even kurt was been nice rachel suspected blaine had given him a awrning plus now with noah here he would stand by and let people upset rachel.

"so anybody taken any bets on wether its a boy or a girl"noah said as the had finished eating but were still sat at the table.

"lets see how the bump developes some say you can tell by that"kurt said

"my mom went by that when she had me she thought i was a girl" sam said

"really samantha"noah said making them all laugh.

" right then key lime pie coming up" blaine said

however as he brought it to the table the smell reached rachel and she had to run once again to the bathroom.

"should we through it out"she heard blaine ask the others whilecshe was being sick

"or we could eat it really fast"sam said

"yeah but dude we dont alk have your sized mouth"noah said

"say what you want chicks dig it" sam said

rachel returned to the others feeling really sickly and tired.

"why dont you go lay down"blaine said to her

"think i will thank you"rachel said walking to her room as she reached it she heared foitsteps behind her she assumed it was noah but she turned and saw it was sebastian.

"i think you should she the doctor make sure your blood pressure is oksy and that your not enemic i read that its quite common" sebastian said she was surprised

" you read a pregnancy book" rachel asked him she hadnt done yet

" yeah well i figured given kurt is so determind to be more of a fzther thwn me i thought i best up my game"sebastian said

"look kurt is my oldest friends he is just trying to be protective but he knows your the father the baby will know that too yes kurt will be an uncle but i wont let him push you out this baby needs us all to get along" rachel said

" thank you and i will make an appointment" he said he left he seemed emotional to her which she hadnt really seem before.

rachel got into bed and was out like a light.

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