chapter three

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its friday and rachel is on her way to the clinic for her scan sebastian is meeting her there she hasnt seen him si ce wednesday when they had gone to see the doctor though rachel believe sebastian was staying away because of kirt rather than her.

as rachel arrived at the clinic her nerves kicked in she had been so wrapped up on been pregnant that the fact that she was to find out of the baby was healthy hadnt oocured to her until now.

as she walked and went to the desk to give her name she turned round to go sit down and saw sebastian laughing with a girl about their age they were sat down. rachel had to admit to herself that it bothered her him giving this girl his attention while she realised they werent in a relationship  but she found it hard watching another girl flirting with him.

rachel walked over and sat down  sebastian turned to see who had sat next to him.

"hey" he said to her

" hello" rachel said thankfully the girl he had been talking to having realised rachel was the person he was waiting for started reading a magazine instead of talking to him. rachel realosed she was been jealous and she didnt have any right to be but she couldnt help it.

"rachel berry" her name was called so they both got up and followed the nurse into the room

" right so i see your here for your first sonogram" the nurse said smiling at them

" yes" rachel said as she got onto the bed she lifted her top up and the nurse placed some gel on

" right then lets have alook at your little one well everything looks good and your five weeks " the nurse said suddenly the sound of the heart beat filled the room rachel couldnt help but let the tears roll down her face as she listened to the beating heart of her baby as the nurse then pointed out a very small very hard to make out thing on the screen.

" and there is your baby" the nurse said rachel was surprised as sebastian who was stood behind the bed out his hands on her shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze.

shortly after they both had a copy of the scan made and then left the hospital

" i have to get back to class but i will get you a cab home" sebastian told jer thwn hailed a cab and as she got in he handed the money to the driver.

rachel arrived back at the empty loft as both kurt and blaine were at nyada rachel went to her room and sat on her bed and took out the sonogram photo and sat looking at it. she sat thre for a long time placing her hand on her tummy thinking things over. rachel knew then that this was what she wanted yes it was gonna be tough she didnt have much money her living arrangement wasnt the best for a child but she knew as she sat there looking at the scan picture she was having this baby and she was keeping him or her. when she found out she was pregnant she had thought of everythib she would miss out on but now none of those things mattered. rachel had wanted to be a star because she wanted to be special and this baby was her baby and she will make him or her proud of her.

rachel had a quick shower before getting ehr sweats on she figured she might aswell make the most of been pregnant and that meant eating ice cream while watching tv.

as she satthere tucking into her strawberry shortcake ice cream the door opened a d in came kurt and blaine.

" so did you have the scan is everything okay  do you have a picture" blaine asked

" yeah here look" she said handing him the scan photo

" oh wow kurt look" blaine said showing kurt

" amazing" kurt said they both hugged rachel.


rachel is now 7weeks pregnant

its friday and rachel is in her room not wanting to go out tonight as kurt and blaine have invited her to join them at a party she doesnt want to after all she cant drink so it doesnt sound fun to her as she sits on her bed decided how to tell them she isnt going blaine comes into her room.

"hey maria why arnt you dressed" he askes

" im not going blaine i will be the only sober one there it i wont enjoy it" rachel said

" well then i wont drink either and we can spend the entire time making fun of the silly drunken antics around us  but rachel it will do you good to get out" blaine said

" okay then" rachel said blaine left while she dressed in a black dress and flat shoes.

once at the party it turned out it wasnt much of a party after all as many people had decided to go to the opening of a new nightclub instead.

they stayed for a couple of hours before kurt informed them there was another party at another friends house nt far from there and that he wanted to go.

so they set off down the street linking arms like the wizard of oz kudt was getting tipsy but still knew what he was doing. blaine had been true to his promose and hadnt drunk any booze it didnt take them long to reach the location of the other party and they went i sode and it was much more lively than the last.

" i will get us  soda" blaine said as rachel stood by the wall out of harms way blaine was awhile so kurt went to look for him and rachel scanned the rokm looking for them after a few more minute had gone by then she saw sebastian stood snogging a girl it wasnt the girl from the hospital but they were really going at it. rachel. ouldnt help but feel upset the fact was she liked him and she couldnt help it there she was carrying his baby while he was off tongue dancing some other girl.

" hey there you go" blaine said pasing her drink to her he notoced where she was looking.

" i didnt know he would be here" blaine said

" blaine dace with me" kurt said

  actully i think rachel could ise some fresh are we will be back soon" blaine said taking hold of her arm and leding ehr outnof the place.

" are you okay" blaine said

" yeah im fine" rachel said

" rach i know you your not fine" blaine said

" its just weird" rachel said

" been pregnant or seeing sebastian kissing someone" blaine said rachel looked at him

" both" rachel answered honestly

" i know things are awkward ring now but in time you will adjust" blaine said giving her a hug

" i think im gonna go home" rachel said

" are you sure"blaine said

" yeah i have a little morning sickness and its getting late and all i want to do is climb into bed" rachel said as kurt came out

" hey there wondered is everything was  okay" kurt said

" rachel is tired so she is gonna go home" blaine said winking at her she smiled at him for not mentioning anything regarding sebastian who happened to come out as they were stood there.

" didnt know younguys were coming tonight"he said

"we went to another party but it sucked"blaine said

"im surprised your here"he said to rachel who lost it

"what im not aloud tomenjoy myself now im pregnant your aloud to do anything you want but im not"rachel snapped

"i meant because i know you have had mornign sickness" sebastian said clearly not wanting to get into a fight

" okay lets get you a cab"blaine said

"your leaving i will come with you"sebastian said

ten minutes later they wete in the cab they were doing what they usually did when they were alone together they sat in silence. as the cab pulled up outsode her building rachel got out.

" night" she said to him

" good night" he said as the cab pulled away to take him to his new place.

rachel went inside and got ready for bed but now sleep seemed a distant wish for her.

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